Depression and relapsing

I had a really bad depressed day yesterday. Really unmotivated, just couldn’t shake it. Caused me to have waves where I wanted to drink really bad to get those happy feelings and a warm tummy. But I didn’t. What do other people do when they struggle feeling like this?

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Distract yourself by doing something you enjoy, listen to music, read a book, watch a movie, go for a walk. write down a list of reasons why you are choosing to stay sober and a list of things you don’t miss about drinking. Sometimes seeing it written down, helps get rid of the urge to drink. I struggle with anxiety and depression as well and it just plain sucks - especially when you are used to comforting yourself with alcohol. But just stay focus on the positive things going on in your life and your future goals.


Really when you are in that mindset is the moments you need to be reacting. Exercise is good for that. Meditation supposedly works :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:(we all know I suck at this) Meetings. Call your sponsor. Call any support you have. Go shopping. Clean or do chores(it really does help). Don’t stay there for long it’s a bad place to exist. Now don’t expect to always be the happiest person everyday but we learn to balance these emotions out as time goes by. A lot of it is the body healing. It sucks but it gets better.


I eat a heavy meal and drink lots of water.
Make myself feel the full feeling.

I would never eat if I was going to drink. Ruin the buzz and take longer.


Worked for me.


Sorry you have been going through a rough time. I feel like this often. Goal setting has been really helpful. Even if it’s something small like going outside for a few minutes each day. Also taking a long shower and washing my hair helps me feel a little better.

As for the goal setting: I plan to reward myself for making it to one year with a tattoo. I have the money now but I’m waiting until I earn it (with sobriety). In the beginning I would often give myself a small reward for hitting milestones. Keeping those rewards in mind really helps. Even if it’s eating ice cream tomorrow for making it through today. :slight_smile:

I hope you feel better. You are not alone.


Haha love that idea of purposely sabotaging the buzz.

If i ate a big meal too it was a buzz kill. Could never get hammered on a full stomach.

Trying to think of more buzzkills now… i dunno… yeah work… you already said that… damn you good.

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Thank you guys for the tips. I struggle with poor motivation to even do anything at all at times. Like an out of body experience of what dread. When I come back it’s like I was just wrapped up in so much negative energy