What I Don't Miss

Things I don’t miss since I stopped drinking:

  • Feeling on edge and irritated when I drank (even though I used to say it relaxed me)

  • Going from a great buzzed feeling to feeling like I was on the edge of a cliff, unsteady, ready to fall at any minute

  • Starting to hear my speech beginning to slur and know that I can’t put one foot in front of the other but still wanting to drink more

  • Intense feelings of sadness, lonliness, and disconnecting from everyone around me (being surrounded by people but feeling so alone)

  • Actually having a mental breakdown, crying hysterically, unable to pull my self together, many times resulting in hurting myself

  • Wanting to go to sleep but having the feeling that I’m going to be sick (sometimes actually getting sick) and feeling like the world won’t stop spinning

  • Waking up the next day not only feeling like I got hit by a truck but with extremely foggy memory of what happened the night before, or having no memory at all of the night before

  • Having to apologize to others the next day for ruining the night with my hysteric depression

  • Being in physical pain, not just from the hangover but from engaging in self-harming behavior which wouldn’t heal for several weeks

  • Wanting to start drinking again to get rid of my hangover, wanting to drink because I couldn’t handle my emotions, wanting to drink because I was irritated, or anxious, or sad, or happy, or celebratory, or relaxed, or for pretty much any reason I could think of (good or bad) and in the end having it turn into a complete disaster

  • Becoming so mentally exhausted from trying to “moderate” my drinking that I either caved in anyway or was completely miserable and took it out on everyone around me

What are somethings that you don’t miss?


Most of the above! I don’t miss that foggy forgetful feeling I got when I was trying to have a conversation but was drunk! I don’t miss the horrendous hangovers where I was unable to function or even lift my head. I don’t miss feelings of shame, guilt, regret. I don’t miss the embarrassment at the things I said, the flirtatious behaviour :no_mouth: I don’t miss the spending when I could have been saving! I don’t miss the empty lonely feeling at 2pm. X


No more drunk fights with my boyfriend is a great one, definitely adding it to my list. Almost every fight we have ever had has been fueled by alcohol (on both of our parts). So, at least now on my part I know I won’t have to worry about it and I will be able to handle disagreements better in a sober state of mind.


great lists :slight_smile: I keep two lists… the things I don’t like about drinking and the things I do like about sobriety.

I don’t miss:

  • the blackouts!
  • attempting to remember who I pissed off last night and need to apologise to
  • anxiety about whether my other half will take me back as I broke up with him every time I drank and wasn’t happy drunk (aka about 99% of the time)
  • desperately hoping I didn’t sleep with stranger(s) the night before
  • not wanting to recall what came out of my dirty dirty mouth… and usually being told by somebody else and feeling humiliated and ashamed
  • sobering up in a cell
  • having intense paranoia and rage in a psychotic state
  • mania and psychosis… difficult enough to deal with when I’m not drunk but add in the alcohol and it’s just a whole other level of chaos
  • my aggressive and violent behaviour
  • having intrusive thoughts and urges to collect weapons and to hurt and stab… genuinely frightening and disturbing even to me
  • the intense and crippling anxiety and depression
  • the terrifyingly vivid nightmares
  • the hallucinations
  • the delusions
  • walking through town and having to face anybody at all and feeling like they’ve seen me and are judging me…
  • the shame!
  • being skint all the time
  • eating loads of crappy food and feeling like crap
  • being dehydrated and having no energy
  • not being able to get off the settee let alone leave my flat or do my workouts
  • being kicked out of another pub
  • drunk calling my parents and shouting abuse down the phone
  • drunk calling my ex
  • risking my tenancy by smashing up my flat, playing loud music, shouting and balling…

the list goes on!


Love your list! My newest favorite is no longer bothering with the internal debate on whether to drink or not, is it that bad for me, just two nights a week, etc. If I just stick to sobriety and say “no, I’m not drinking and I don’t drink,” this mental wrestling match simply goes away and I can relax. It’s also nice to know my liver is healing and doctor visits won’t add to my anxiety like they used to.


I don’t miss the blackouts, the drunk fighting, the hangovers, the lying tell myself I didn’t have a problem. The feeling like garbage and taking two days to shake off a hangover. I feel SO much better without the booze!


Even though it’s difficult, it is so true. Body, mind, and soul - they all improve with sobriety. In This Naked Mind by Annie Grace, she says that reason we are in conflict sometimes with wanting to drink despite the fact that we have made a conscious decision not to because we know it’s for the better, is because out unconscious mind has not accepted this decision yet. Our unconscious mind has been conditioned our whole lives to think alcohol is a positive thing in people’s lives, and unfortunately we cannot control our unconscious perceptions without pretty much reprogramming our brain. It takes work but it’s definitely worth it in the end.


I don’t miss my footing on the scaffolding at 8pm in a dark church when I happen to look around and see the Vicar who didn’t announce himself standing there staring at me.
Well, I did then, but I won’t anymore. Crazy vicar.


i don’t miss
-how i smelled after drinking
-the dry mouth the morning after
-the headaches and dizzyness
-the shame of what i did drunk and just realized it the next day
-the blackouts
-red and swollen eyes
and so on and on…


Don’t miss all the wasted time and money.


Going to the gas station with nickels and dimes to get enough gas to go to work


Those are all great reminders! I’m going on a trip next week and I know my brother in law will try and make me drink. My mind was thinking about giving up because he can be so relentless. Thank you for these reminders that drinking is NOT fun and won’t make me feel better.


My first run with drugs, anything was game. I was always a injector. The warmth you’d feel as it ran through your vaines is a feeling in is own. This round started when I broke my leg and the doctor gave me oxy’s. I saw it as a legal way for me to get high for a little bit, not thinking I’m addict. I ended up eating my whole prescription in 2 days. After that I went to the streets to get high. It was like I ne rerver stopped. As for the sickness, I was sick from the second I ran out, to the second I got more.
As for track marks… Yes I do have them :disappointed_relieved:
Remembering the night before… Yes. I have overdosed many times waking up in the hospital with tubes down my throat, than getting a 72 hour hold.
I don’t miss being sick, not wanting to go places cause I was scared of running out, and there is many many more.
For the smell it don’t make you smell but when you’re cooking it it smells like a match


What dont miss is crashing and destroying ALL of my cars from driving drunk.

I dont miss feeling like a complete waste and failure.

I dont miss the judgemental and disappointend looks from my family and friends.

And I definitely dont miss the hangovers!


Thank you for everyone’s input! I think it’s a really powerful thing to list the aspects of drinking or drugs that you don’t miss. It helps re-emphasize why we are getting sober; we are getting sober to better ourselves, our lives, and our relationships with the people around us. Sometimes, I think it’s easy to forget why we chose to be sober, but having these lists to reflect back on is really eye opening. :slight_smile:


That damn rattle still gets me

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I DON’T miss all the shit talkers back where I used to live because they can’t help but pass judgement about us addicts that struggle with addiction and don’t know their mouths from their assholes…

Sorry a little venting there…:upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


@C-sun thank you for directing me here- awesome lists- awesome reminders and reasons to stay out of it!

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I don’t miss breaking my wife’s heart.

I don’t miss not knowing what’s going on in my home, because I’m alone with my bottle.

I don’t miss waking up and realizing I missed “our time” with my wife.

I don’t miss being frustrated when my wife or little girl asks me for help, and it interrupted my drinking.

I don’t miss the hangovers

I don’t miss feeling like I’m crapping broken glass into a flamethrower.


I just finished that book last night…definitely makes sense! I mean, it’s work, for sure…hell, it’s reprogramming and reconditioning our unconscious mind! But it makes sense that we act almost on impulse because it has become habit, it’s what’s “easy” to do…

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