Erik's Story

Hello everyone! I just discovered this page. I am an alcoholic who has been clean for 74 days now. I’m always looking for more inspiration.

A little background; I grew up in a small town Minnesota home with an alcoholic and two methamphetamine addicts. I’ve seen a lot of tragedy in my life and I’m sure I’m not alone there. I love sports and Star Wars. :slight_smile:

One thing that helps me stay sober the most is talking and helping the alcoholic or addict in need, so feel free to talk to me. Here’s to one day at a time, my friends!


Hi @Erik_Balfe and welcome to the forum. :wave: Congrats on 74 days!

Just so you know this forum can be accessed from the Sober Time app, or directly at

Recovery-related links that members have posted live here:

(Different Aspects of Recovery)