Here’s the section to add any links that pertain to sobriety and recovery. Anything that may be helpful to someone else. Anything that adds to alternative ways of thinking about sobriety. Please share your resources.és-actually-work-practice
(AA cliches that actually work)
Meditation in recovery
@Elle nothing particular, just wanted to create a section for links to different avenues of recovery all in one place. We’re always talking about what works for us all over this forum so I thought it would be easier to find it all here. Recovery can be other things besides addiction. Do you have a link for the worksheet you posted earlier?
Entertainment in recovery
Hobbies in recovery
Great idea @Melrm
These are awesome @Elle, thank you.
Baby steps @Elle. I was in bad shape this time last year to the point I had to do something even if it meant meds. I was a complete mess…couldn’t eat or shower or function properly. I missed a month of work. I got help and feel different. Just be patient, okay?
Hope this is still on topic. Just some tools, or maybe just distractions? Some useful for stress relief…
I found #5 helpful:
“Player 2 is a tool that helps you deal with conflict or any problem really. It’s like a choose-your-own-adventure game, but for solving personal issues.”
I thought #12 was a little creepy until I got a hug from a unicorn. Just give it a try if you need a Hug.
Nutrition in recovery
Drinking/using dreams in sobriety
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
Sex in recovery article
Hey @Gemstone123 this topic has a lot of good links to look into. I can personally recommend the Smart Recovery tools. The handbook is around 12$ on Amazon or you can download their worksheets on their website for free. For me, having the handbook available to physically write things down has been a great distraction and really helped me figure out my cravings/triggers, work through them, And focus on my long-term goals. But I’d look into all the links and find what works for you-
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