Forum Rules and Guidelines

Talking Sober is a community where we talk about staying or getting sober. We as a community aim to help ourselves and others by participating here.

Think about your post before you publish it. Ask yourself if the post is going to positively affect you or someone else. If not, please try and restructure it.

Here are the rules and guidelines for Talking Sober:

  • Do not talk about illegal activities. This is not allowed in the forum.
  • Do not post while you are using or under the influence. These posts negatively impact sobriety for others.
  • Refrain from posting about using. Instead talk about how you want to stop using and start being sober.
  • Do not attack or lash out at other community members. Keep it civil.
  • Do not badger / harass other members
  • Stick to the language that the topic was created in. If you want to talk in another language, you are welcome, but do it in a separate topic.
  • Do not list or attempt to sell services. This is not a marketplace.
  • Do not use Talking Sober as a fundraising or promotion platform
  • Do not derail topics
  • Do not post about politics, political postings will be removed.

Also see the FAQ which covers more general rules:

Posting under the influence is strictly prohibited everywhere on the forum except in the special category created for it. You need to opt-in if you wish to see or post there. You can opt in here:

We are all here seeking help or offering help to others. If your post does not do that, please don’t post it.

I’ve messaged members who’ve not adhered to the above rules. Starting today I will take more serious action if you do not follow them. Please understand that these rules are in place to protect the community and its members. We are trying to create a positive space and we’d like everyone to contribute to that.