Hey I'm new here and my addiction is

Hey everyone. I’m new here . I have an addiction that y’all probably don’t have . Addicted to food and way over weight . I was recommended to get food sober . To do a water fast . So I’m on day 3 of no food only water :slight_smile: wish me luck


Welcome. I have quite a bit of experience wit cutting weight/losing weight.

I’m not a fan of no food fasting, it sort of sets you up for failure. Because if, and when you do eat your going to binge.

Just need to stay away from sugars, fried (anything) and carbs to an extent. Lots of veggies, fruits and lean meats. “You can’t out work a bad diet.” Oh yeah, lots of water! Move, move, move.

I’m sure you know this, but reinforcement from others and yourself is a must.

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Hi @Kayla19. Nice of you to join us. Welcome.

Welcome! I’ve struggled with a severe eating disorder almost my whole life and I would strongly suggest avoiding water fasting. Like another poster suggested, this will inevitably set you up to binge and feel crappy. Have you ever met with a dietician?

Coming at this with loving kindness is the way to go. We’ll cheer you on!

Hi @Kayla19 .

If you have Netflix and 90 minutes to kill, check out the documentary “Forks over Knives”. It’s worth a watch.


Hi @Kayla19, welcome! By chance has a healthcare professional put you on this water diet? If not, I would advise you to contact one soon and begin to slowly add food back into your diet (clear broth or Jello) so that you do not shock your system. A water diet can be fatal if not under a doctor’s close care.

That being said, you might want to also check out another app called Recovery Record. It is made for those of us with eating disorders (I binge eat). It’s a gentle way to record what you eat and reflect on the way you are feeling when you eat. There are no weight loss plans or forums, it’s just a place for you to be personally open with yourself. And if you wish to share a weeks worth of entries can be printed.

Best of luck to you. Come here as often as needed to gain the support you need to accomplish your goals. You got this!


I used to fast for 7-10 days regularly with lemon water and caster oil not for weight loss, though i had plenty to loose but a natural health dr. Gave me the formula, and it did do amazing things for my overall health… It gives your body a chance to heal itself when its in crisis mode.

But truth is, even on the 10 day water fast, i only lost a few lbs and most of that was probably poo. Because long term fasting requires lots of rest and not over exerting your self, and then your metabolism just adjusts itself.

Its a great way to restart your gut flora too if you end your fast the right way… with some sauerkraut and kombucha

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Your metabolism literally shuts down. You go into starvation mode. Your body burns as little calories as it can to survive. When it does need extra calories it will target muscle first to breakdown. It’s easier to metobolize and it burns less calories.


Good luck!!!

Someone else recommended something to watch, so I wanted to mention this documentary about juicing. You’re not starving yourself, which in the long run isn’t going to help the weight loss. Juicing for short periods of time really helps with metabolism and detoxing the body.

Please watch “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,” if you can. Great documentary!!!

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Hi @Kayla19 and welcome to the forum. It’s true many people are not here mainly for weight loss, but some have eating disorders or are trying to lose weight and stay healthy after years of self-abuse from alcohol and drugs. I gained about 60lbs from drinking and crappy eating, now lost most of it, but it’s been slooow, and that’s ok with me.

Be prepared, you are probably going to get more diet advice on the forum than you can stomach! :grin:

fyi here are recovery-related links that members have posted:

(Different Aspects of Recovery)


Hello do you have results?

Hey, I’m also new here and today is my 1st day of a water fast… i hope to last at least 5 days…

So. I planned a 40 day fast. Made it 28. Was wonderful. Total detox. New kinda happiness set in. Depression gone. Sooo much energy…

Got talked into ending my fast early… I regret that!

Didnt take very long and i lost control, first of foods, and then money, another month or so later, for no reason i can fathom other than stupidity, i up and used again. And i desperately want to start that fast again and this time accomplish the 40 days… its supposed to be something special the last few days… With long term effects on self control…

I can’t even get passed day 1 of a fast, something always comes up, or late evening i just turn off goals and thinking skills, shrug and do whatever i feel like. In a complete selfish, uncontrolled manner…

Every day i tell myself this is it. I am going to do it and this time for good…

But I don’t…

If you water fast. Stick to your goal. Whatever it is. Dont give in to temptation. One temptation opens the road to others…

I will keep trying

Also. Just for info… my metabolism didnt shut down at all! I lost 28 lbs, and only 10 came back, and that happened immediately as my colon refilled, and water retention returned… went from a size 24/28 to a size 12/14 and can still wear tem 12s :grin:

Cured my lupus like sensitivity to the sun, so far permenantly…and the depression, is gone still. Even as i fail. It’s an observation not a criticism

I agree with you. Fasting only leads to later binges