@Imart209 You’ve got this. Just keep your eye on the prize. It will get easier!
Hello Isela
I’m in the same boat. I’m on day 2 of no porn, and It is hard. I’m proud of you doing this for yourself. If you ever need someone to talk with i’ll be on here.
Good luck and keep going!
I was using drugs that seemed to come with a port and sex addiction. I took the drugs out of my life and I’m 76 days clean from drugs porn. Most of all I am 76 days a faithful boyfriend. I can’t say enough about getting in touch with my higher power. I just started by praying first thing in the morning and before I go to bed. Always asking for guidance in my recovery. I changed persons, places, and things. No regular friends. It has helped a lot. It’s a very tough road but it can be done. It takes a lot of strength to put your business out there the way you did. Good job. Good start. And Good luck. God bless.
Thank you everyone I already have 26 days without watching porn I pray about that alot and I got myself a purity ring sometimes I regret getting it because it means no sex before marriage but it’s also been 26 days that I haven’t been just looking for new people to fool around with yesterday I felt like I was not even going to last 6 months without sex its super hard letting go of my habits but I’ll just pray about it and think positive when I’m feeling weak again I’m glad you guys are trying to become healthier people too keep up the good work we will get there!
Isela dont worry,. I’m from india and i’m also addicted to masturbate. Keep trying stay blessed☺
Thanks for sharing ! It gets easier 1 day at a time as we learn to replace our negative thinking with the person our higher power really sees. Your are loved brother. Keep coming back.
Keep fighting the good fight. I know it’s hard but take it one day at a time and before you move towards doing something again, reach out for support
The porn comapnies make films for just eaen more money and u look u r youth and u want to enjoy your life but u trapped in this whole , U must keep your confidence and fight with ur bad feelings
I never exprienced sex but I did masturbate for many years I watched porns too much and some thing els. I want u being good and healthy
Hi im a sex addict
Ive had two and a half years of sobreity of masturbation and pornography and then slipped. Today I am one day sober and praying for one day at a time
Same Boat… I just want to feel wanted too. Me thinking a girl having sex with me was the issue. it feels right at the time, but they don’t want me for me and i end up don’t liking them for that. At the end of the day I just always look for the sex or feel like my D*** is the only thing women like? idk
Its realy hard but u shoud break this bad fleengs
Your not alone in this battle iam a fellow sex addict an it sucks. But keep your head up keep motivated an keep the hands busy an the mind clear
Hi thanks for u joining but I always have feilds and I am depressed becuase of it
I have years in other programs but have 26 days also in this program. I am lighting a tealight every night as a reminder of my commitment to stay pure and off the porn. My wife died 5 years ago at 35 years old so sometimes I gave myself an excuse but I need to be the person G-D created me to be and spiritually kick butt! Just kidding partially. I want to find my soul mate who is a sweet deep open minded women who wants to build a beautiful home together and porn is not part of that equation !!! I am also working on building my life vision and just got my Masters in 2015 and in my 2nd year of my PhD and all of this work is not congruent with Lust and Porn addiction and now is the time to stop! And now for an emoji emotional explosion extravaganza:
(and please reach out anytime we all need each other!!!)
@Galore8 I just found this topic with some more sex addicts. I’m not sure who’s still active, but I thought it would be nice for you to see we’re here, you’re not alone
I wish you the best. You being able to be honest with yourself like that seems you are heading in the right direction.
Hi im in the same boat.
I’v been straggling with this for a while and the only way to get read of it is to make your mind busy with things like book sport work and being passion and joining social activities and the most important one is try not to be alone when you are about to start it again
Hi Isela,
Welcome to the club! I am also a recovering sex addict - but more in the unrealistic sense - self-gratification and high speed internet porn! I am still a virgin (in my body) but can say that I’m totally NOT a virgin (in my mind!).
I have never had sex with a real woman - but have done way too much porn and M.
My dad passed away when I was 7 years old, this created a lot of hurt in my life and I have felt insecure from a young age and was verbally abused at school for many years and faced a load of rejection in my life - porn and M was my “painkiller” and I reverted to it whenever I felt depressed / angry/ bored/frustrated/hurt! I derived some form of “love/acceptance” from the fake makeup caked acting women in those pictures and videos! It’s all fake and I actually hate porn! I hate what it does to me! I hate the lows afterwards! I hate the shame, the self-hate, the detachment from reality and the guilt and cycle of addiciton and bondage. On top of it all I am a Christian and a hypocrite who wants to get free from sin! This thing destroys my life and I want to get free from it and help others to become free too! I strated my own support group here: https://talkingsober.com/t/porn-addiction-recovery/29825/51
Feel free to join us.
Thanks for sharing your story and I hope you get free!
Hey just curious what do you do with the twilight on e it’s finished?
I like that idea of lighting a tea light candle. Stay strong!