Higher Power saw fit to give me employment

So when I first started this recovery journey I was unemployed and unemployable. It drove me crazy because I’ve always worked, minus the last year, and thought I needed to be employed. We’re people in the rooms set me straight on that little issue and told me to focus on staying clean and everything will work out. They told me to turn it over to God so I did.

Well wouldn’t ya know here we are 5 months later and I have been given a job. I owe it to my higher power and the rooms. I did none of this on my own. A person from the rooms got me the job through his work and my higher power made it all happen.

I hope someone reads this and can take some hope away from it. When I got here I wasn’t sure if I would ever work again but I trusted the program and was rewarded for it. Nothing happens overnight but if you do the next right thing your life will get better. I promise.

Thank you God, AA and NA.


Congratulations on your new job!

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Thank you. I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful a job. It’s not in my field. It doesn’t pay much. It’s hard physical labor. And I couldn’t be happier.


Congrats mate.

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PTL! Here’s a message I share in my ministry, all the time.


One of my favorite quotes is “what part of God’s plan for you do you not like?”


And “God has a plan for you and you don’t need to know it”

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The Beard expects a check in the mail. Don’t forget the 7th tradition lol

Congrats man… every day is better and better. It’s a simple process in a hard life but it’s rewarding beyond imagination

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I will send a check because I do not want to anger the Beard.

“Fear the Beard” - Brett “Diesel” Keisel

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Norris Beard


Beard could and would if He were sought.

Restored from a hopeless state of mind and body. The Promises always materialize when we work for them. Good work D

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Lord of the BEards


I love Chuck Norris lol. If there’s only 1 beard, it certainly isn’t my scraggly offering


I want to grow one, but they are frowned upon in my line of work. No Shave November leads to No Job December. So I go the other way

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I never did understand that rule… Beards are classy and professional.


There was a time in sales when the thinking was, “it looks like you are trying to hide something”. That thinking still prevails in my company.

Tell them you have it on good authority that the population will only trust a beard lol. Your sales will double each time the length of your beard does.

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My wife doesn’t like them either…but I’m still gonna grow one one day.