Hobbies! What are yours?

I’m taking up minimalism by cleaning out my whole house and taking up indoor gardening


Oh my goodness you have some cuties there! I too have gained a lot of plants in sobriety :slight_smile: I spend most of my time shooting film photography…I carry 1-3 cameras everywhere I go…I love playing with my dogs, exploring the woods, reading, poetry, and tarot reading.


I am planning on getting back to yoga classes this week, went out for a walk yesterday… little things that make so much difference! Also , not a hobby as such, but I’ve decided to learn stuff. Am currently learning about the planets… mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune , in order of closest to the sun first, (and I didn’t cheat!) Jupiter is the biggest! Oh and going to get to work in the garden at every opportunity :seedling::earth_africa:


I’m not sure if I’ll ever reach minimalist status but I’m trying. For lent I’m giving up “stuff”. Usually I give up alcohol but too late for that. :blush: So this year I’m doing 40 bags in 40 days. I’m already ahead of schedule but since we’re on holiday for one week I think it should be cool.


The plants look so healthy! I love getting rid of crap I don’t need - minimalism is a great goal to me. My sister was a hoarder and when she died, I spent weeks cleaning out her apartment. It made me so sad and upset to see what became of her life and her mind. Besides that I have been learning how to cook more foods (via HelloFresh) and have been digitally archiving family photos, films, and writings.


*I love to read (self-help, self-improvement, metaphysical, spiritual, art techniques)

  • I love to journal/keep notes/collect quotes and inspiration. I have a whole stack of old journals.
    *I love to paint in acrylic and do mixed media
    *I’m interested in and study numerolgy, chakras, auras, crystal healing, feng shui, and essential oil healing
    *I use tarot and oracle cards to connect to my Higher conciousness.
    *I love to play in the soil and plant all types of things
    *I love animals but only have 1 fur baby (lack of space)
    *I love listening to music and dancing around like a fool when I’m home alone.
    *I love trying different kinds of food (I am not a picky eater)

I also use essential oils!! I have various books about them and tons of flavors


@Needhelp1128 Look at you, posting pictures! :smile: Love it!

Right now my hobbies are video games, and I might be stuck on that for a while. I’ve also been trying to minimalize and organize my space. I work on sections of the house at a time, including my huge hoard of jewelry, clothes and shoes. I’m ridiculous with my shoes, don’t even ask how many pairs I have, it’s that embarrassing.

I have all these “skinny” clothes that I’m itching to fit back into again. I don’t know if it’s a hobby per se, but I’ve taken up running again. I was just walking for a while, but it’s time. Feels good to get out there again. Wish I had taken pics from my run today, beautiful in Cali this weekend! :sun_with_face:


Do you do Tarot card readings?

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I practice by doing it free for friends. I haven’t mastered and memorized the cards and their meaning completely yet. I have 4 different decks


@Melrm Do you keep a tarot journal? They’re incredibly helpful. You can write the meanings as you go, as they hold true for you. Not just copied from a book (unless it held true!).

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@carmen071 good idea. Thank you.


I’ve gotten into Bible journaling which led to me wanting to learn anything and everything about handlettering and calligraphy, as well as doodling and painting with watercolors and acrylic.


I’m intrigued. What kind of cameras are you shooting with? I shoot with a dslr and can’t imagine any other way! Lol.

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@Lindsay Very cool!!!

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Drag racing really anything to do with race cars. But my work I am only home for a short time.


thank you!!!skillshare app is AMAZING

motorcycles rule


Eating my feelings…lol


scuba diving

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