Must Have Supplements For Recovery!

Always check with your healthcare providers before starting any supplements!


@Leigh thank you for this post, so much information!
I am struggling with still waking up feeling like crap. Is like a never ending hangover without the alcohol. Today is day 19 for me. Wondering if you have any thoughts on why I am feeling this way and/or what I can do to help alleviate it.
Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

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It’s definitely part of the cycle, I remember barely sleeping the first few weeks after I quit. There are somethings you can try! I would suggest b-12 to start, most people who are heavy drinkers or are recovering from heavy drinking have b-12 deficiencies, and all of the cells in your body require b-12 for energy metabolism. Our body can’t make it on it’s own and if we aren’t eating the right food (red meat,etc) then we aren’t getting enough from our diets and we need to supplement. I find it’s great for energy and clearing up the brain fog. Magnesium and CoQ10 are also good ones for energy. Coconut oil also amazing for energy because of the MCFA’s (medium chain fatty acids). I cycle through different supplements but coconut oil is one of the ones I take every day just always, lol, too many benefits to not take. Omega 3s are very important as well, L-glutamine can help give your body energy as well just make sure to take it on an empty stomach, preferably with a glass of water. Best of luck in your recovery!


Thank you @Leigh. I really appreciate it!

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Vegan high five!!! :slight_smile: @VSue

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@Leigh looks like we’ve been looking at the same research :smile_cat: i feel much better with my anxiety, depression and insomnia. Also, i dont get that heavy, empty feeling in my stomach… 16 days sober x


Thanks for sharing. I’ll need to come back to this to research. I don’t take anything but reading this list, a few supplements may help. I also want to quit unhealthy habits like sugar and diet soda, so maybe some of the anti craving benefits may help there too!

Thank you for all of this! I really needed it😁

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No problem! Glad it helped :smile:

Thought this was a very good article too

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Awesome post! I’ve done a lot of research on supplements, but you found even more! I’m going to check into Sam-e and molybdenum.

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Haha thanks! Always happy to help :smile:

@Sams23. Here’s a good thread:)

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Just dug this up- may be interesting / useful for others :grinning:

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I’m taking B’s, magnesium, omegas, vit C, zinc …but now will look into a few more. Good list. Anyone else take supplements for helping body recovery? I feel like I was so unkind to my body for so long. Sorry body.

That heavy empty feeling, what is it? I sometimes get it. Always thought it was ant acid drugs.

Thank you for sharing this information!

Gaba is an awesome supplement. I give this to my 10 year old daughter because she has ADHD, ODD, SPD, OCD and DDS. It helps with anxiety and behavior outbursts.

Thanks for that tip,my son is 11 and gets angry and anxiety, and my anxiety is thru the roof at the moment,having to double dose on kalms tablets.:frowning:

Really good article,.thanks. I am gonna try kudzu and back to meetings