Must Have Supplements For Recovery!

So I am a bit of a health and fitness nut and I have been trying out different stack of vitamins etc and finally found some things I think worth sharing because they just really are amazing for your body and for recovery!

First one I found is a supplement called NAC, if you follow the link below for it you can get a bottle for twenty bucks that literally last for months. I started taking it because I have Candida Overgrowth Syndrome from being an alcoholic for so long and taking a bunch of antibiotics indiscriminately because I thought I was sick ( I wasnā€™t though, just sick from drinking). Anyways when the candida dies off it releases acetaldehyde (among 72 other things), which is very toxic and gets stuck in your body.The Molybndenum helps to change it into acetic acid which is easily excreted by the body. Recently though looking into more information on it I found it amazing for the liver, because it restores Glutathione levels in the body back to normal and helps keep the liver safe from excess usage of alcohol. It also neutralizes pollutants and toxins like heavy metals that accumulate in the liver and kidneys, which as alcoholics are not being taken care of.
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Learned about this one from my mom who is also Bi Polar, Sam-E is an incredible all natural supplement that can help with depression and has almost no side effects if taken in the suggested doses. It also apparently helps curb emotional impulsive behavior like gambling and drinking. Sam-E just a naturally occurring compound in the body, literally in every cell. It treats depression, improves mobility, lower back pain, joint pain and can even rebuild cartilage. It is fast acting and usually doesnā€™t take more than a week to notice the results. Having taken this for a few weeks now I can really say I feel the difference. For those with Bi Polar you have to be careful to only take it when you are depressed or it might cause a manic episode but I do have bi polar and I havenā€™t noticed anything yet. for more info
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Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is amazing, ā€œAlcohol consumption leads to oxidative stress which contributes to insulin resistance and interferes with brain glucose metabolism. Coconut oil, being rich in antioxidants and saturated fats, helps nourish and heal the brain.Coconut oil, being rich in antioxidants and saturated fats, helps nourish and heal the brain. Also, it is believed that as coconut helps kill yeast in the body it also helps reduce sugar and alcohol cravings because yeast feed on sugar.ā€
Coconut oil can help reduce seizures, high cholesterol levels, help you lose weight and kill harmful microorganisms. I prefer the pill form to take everyday as taking spoonfuls of the actual oil made me nauseous and the pills do not, but I still recommend having the Oil to use for cooking too!
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Omega 3
"The new study found that in brain cells exposed to high levels of alcohol, a fish oil compound protected against inflammation and neuronal cell death. Omega-3 fish oil might help protect against alcohol-related neurodamage and the risk of eventual dementia, according to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE"
Omega 3ā€™s are amazing for mood support if you have Bi polar or mood disorders, bone health, heart health and helps create healthy cholesterol levels. I take about three a day of 1000 mg you wonā€™t need more than that.
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"Vitamin B12 for Alcoholics. Alcoholics sometimes have functional vitamin B-12 deficiencies. Vitamin B-12, or cobalamin, is essential for forming red blood cells and DNA, as well as for proper brain and nerve function. It is found in eggs, meat, fish, dairy products and fortified foods." B-12 can help with detoxification from drinking and even help alleviate the symptoms of PAWS.
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Amino Acids
Amino acids can help a great deal with alcohol recovery.
"L-Tryptophan ā€“ A necessary amino for serotonin production, the brainā€™s natural antidepressant. Serotonin deficiency symptoms can include any of the following: self-deprecation, anxiety, sleep disorders, compulsive thoughts and behaviors, depression, irritability, panic, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, cravings that become more pronounced in the afternoon or evening. Cravings related to L-Tryptophan deficiency may include sweets and starches; nicotine, marijuana, and alcohol.

GABA ā€“ Known as the anti-stress chemical, a deficiency of GABA can present itself with: anxiety, emotional or physical tension, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by circumstances. Cravings related to GABA deficiency may include nicotine, marijuana, alcohol or carbohydrates.

DLPA D-Phenylalanine ā€“ Increases the lifespan of endorphins, which are pain-relieving chemicals. Symptoms of Endorphin deficiency may include weepiness, crying spells and fragile emotions, and pain sensitivity.
Cravings related to DLPA D-Phenylalanine deficiency can include starches and sweets, heroin, nicotine, marijuana or alcohol.

L-Tyrosine ā€“ Is necessary for the production of catecholamines like norepinephrine dopamine, and epinephrine. These are the ā€œIā€™m alert and ready for my dayā€ neurotransmitters. They are connected to clarity, focus and concentration. Symptoms of deficiency can include a lack of clarity and focus, fatigue, lack of motivation, apathy, an overall lack of energy to engage in personal interests or work, depression, and may be diagnosed as ADD, attention deficit disorder. Cravings related to catecholamine deficiency may include anything that will bring a boost of energy, such as sweets and starches, caffeine, methamphetamine and cocaine. The deficiency may also present itself in choosing risky sports and activities, unsafe sex, or gambling in order to feel more awake and alive.

L-Glutamine ā€“ Is the ideal ā€œbrain balancer,ā€ regulating blood sugar levels to maintain clarity as well as energy. L-Glutamine deficiency can cause shakiness, irritability, weakness, dizziness, especially when too much time has passed between meals. Cravings can be anything that provides a boost to low blood sugar, like starches, sweets, and alcohol." (full article)

Honorable Mentions
Vitamin C: helps improve the immune system by removing the toxic by products of alcohol.
Multi Vitamins: are pretty essential to recover because people recovering from addiction typically donā€™t have good diets and are missing important nutrients. I would suggest a more potent/effective liquid version version
Juicing: One thing I have made sure I do a few times a week is to juice vegetables to get those important to get those micro nutrients and help clear out the liver from and provide fiber the body was not getting before. Flushing out all the bad things from your system.


Thank you for sharing your research and putting it in one place. This is really great. I just bookmarked the heā€™ll out of thisā€¦lol.


Hahaha of course!!! Happy to help :slight_smile: I remember when I quit physically it was really rough so I started researching things that I could take to help OTC that I didnā€™t have go get a prescription for and I just in the Last few weeks is made a world of difference. Best of luck with your recovery!


@Leigh I am taking multi B vitamin, omega 3, probiotic, D-mannose (all of these which helps not only alcoholism but depression as well) Iā€™m also taking magnesium at bedtime to help me sleep and keeps me calm (helps anxiety) the next day. What are your thoughts on magnesium? I also drink warm lime water to flush out toxins every morning (improves skin hydration as well as keeping regular in the bathroom) Iā€™m trying to lower my sugar craving intake. Any suggestions?

INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much for this! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!


@Naturehippy You are welcome!!! <3

No, for reals! This is GOLD! I take Niacin in high doses as well as other supplements. If we think of just how much weā€™ve deprived and depleted ourselves of, it only goes to reason that the more we make up for the deficiency the faster we will heal and renew ourselves physically. Its the emotional stuff thats truly difficult, but @Oliverjava always has good emotional vitamin recommendations for that lol


Amen friend! Yeah, probiotics are super important I work in Korea town so I make sure to eat kim chee, loaded with good bacteria. But probiotic supplement is works just as well. Sometimes when Iā€™m juicing Iā€™ll put some kim chee or sauerkraut in there for the probiotic properties, a good probiotic yogurt works too an probably is a lot more platable lol. Magnesium I havenā€™t had any experience with yet Iā€™ll give a try and keep you posted. Water should of went in the honorable mentions I try to drink at least a half a gallon of water a day, very important for cell support and flushing out toxins in recovery. For sugar cravings try taking the L Glutamine supplement itā€™s amazing for getting those blood sugar levels back in balance!


Thank you for sharing! I started a multi vitamin and B complex and it has really helped my energy! Has anyone tried essential oil?? I use DoTerra and fill an empty veggie capsule with detox blend & digest zen for my digestive system, lemon & orange for mood, grapefruit for metabolism, frankenscense for overall health and I top it off with others from my oil book for whatever I am needing. I didnā€™t realize how much the vitamins and essential oils were helping until Christmas rolled around and I got too busy and forgot to take them for a few days. SOBERā€¦ but busy! :smiley:

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Also, message me if anyone is interested in growing probiotics at home with Kefir grains or homemade kambucha!! Spring is around the corner and I have tons of gardening tips too for growing fresh veggies! I have gardened in WA state, Oregon, all the way down to Louisiana and Mississippi so I have a little bit of knowledge for diverse climate gardening :slight_smile:


Iā€™m interested in learning more about the molybdenum. Iā€™m intrigued. Iā€™ve suspected systemic candida for years.

I already take B12 because I am a vegan but most people are deficient in this vitamin. It is crucial for good nerve function. If you ever have that brain fog feeling you might be deficient in B12.


Iā€™ve also been taking a turmeric supplement because I heard it was good for the liver. It also helps my arthritis. :wink:


The molybdenum has worked wonderfully since I started taking it Iā€™ve notice I sharp improvement in the die off symptoms associated with candida over growth. I would highly recommend it, also a notable boost of energy, nails and hair seem to grow in faster strang enough, and it really helps loosen up congestion too which was and added bonus If you have problems with that. I would suggest checking out the candida diet there are a lot if good other good things you can take, garlic is a powerful natural antifungal and so is the coconut oil apparently based on some fairly recent scientific studies! The holidays have been a little rough on the diet but starting in again this week.

Really? I am going to get some-thanks!

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I take a lot of those supplements as well. Throw in some milk thistle for all the damage I did to my liver

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Always check with your healthcare providers before starting any supplements!


@Leigh thank you for this post, so much information!
I am struggling with still waking up feeling like crap. Is like a never ending hangover without the alcohol. Today is day 19 for me. Wondering if you have any thoughts on why I am feeling this way and/or what I can do to help alleviate it.
Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

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Itā€™s definitely part of the cycle, I remember barely sleeping the first few weeks after I quit. There are somethings you can try! I would suggest b-12 to start, most people who are heavy drinkers or are recovering from heavy drinking have b-12 deficiencies, and all of the cells in your body require b-12 for energy metabolism. Our body canā€™t make it on itā€™s own and if we arenā€™t eating the right food (red meat,etc) then we arenā€™t getting enough from our diets and we need to supplement. I find itā€™s great for energy and clearing up the brain fog. Magnesium and CoQ10 are also good ones for energy. Coconut oil also amazing for energy because of the MCFAā€™s (medium chain fatty acids). I cycle through different supplements but coconut oil is one of the ones I take every day just always, lol, too many benefits to not take. Omega 3s are very important as well, L-glutamine can help give your body energy as well just make sure to take it on an empty stomach, preferably with a glass of water. Best of luck in your recovery!


Thank you @Leigh. I really appreciate it!

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Vegan high five!!! :slight_smile: @VSue

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