Nervous about Saturday

This Saturday I’ll be hanging out with a fun new group of friends (dinner and maybe a bar after) and I can already feel myself coming up with reasons why it’s okay to have a few drinks. Today is day 26 and tomorrow will be a new record for me. I’m starting to realize how much sobriety means to me and don’t think I want to give up this Saturday but I worry about what I’ll do in the moment. I think even writing this down is a step in the right direction though. Being honest with yourself is hard.

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I’m nervous about Saturday too! I will have family in town and that’s traditionally what we do together. I don’t know how I’m going to opt out of having drinks. But I’m feeling really good and haven’t been drinking for almost 2 weeks- did daily for about 15 years! So 2 weeks is making a big difference. I’m thinking of buying non-alcoholic beer and trying to pour it in a glass before anyone sees. Ha! The secrets of a sober person. I don’t know you but I’ll think of you. :blush:


Don’t put anything between you and your sobriety! It’s not worth it… It’s just NOT!

Your answer if you want alcohol is on Saturday is “no, thank you” Start thinking that now! Prepare yourself for that moment where you substitute for a NA.

Think it through, if your not ready your for the moments, your best bet is don’t go to the bar after dinner. Of course your the only person that can answer that, be honest with yourself.


Try thinking about the longer term. As soon as you relax your boundaries with alcohol it starts to creep back into your life. You may only end up having a few on Saturday but then it may be the thoughts of oh actually I can have just only a few, then it starts all over again. (Sorry writing from many many experiences of this situation) hope you chose sober.


Its a tough situation, saying no thank you is such a simple but difficult thing. I’ll be thinking of you too- let’s stay strong! Im trying to focus on how good I will feel the next day😀


If it’s a new group of friends as you said then set the expectation NOW that you don’t drink.
If they’ve already seen you drink say you’ve had to stop for health reasons, and unless they’re A holes they shouldn’t get pushy.
Good luck! Remember it’s always ok to leave a situation early if you’re feeling weak. In 10 years you’ll be glad you left early, instead of still being a drunk.


Don’t be a shame of who you are. It’s ok to be differant… we are accomplishing mountain that a lot of people can’t get over.we are hero’s in our own right…🖒


Do you have to go? Keep yourself safe x

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Good and easy excuses for not drinking that people will leave you alone about:

I am taking this antibiotic I can’t mix with alcohol or I’ll get violently ill

I’m doing a no alcohol cleanse

I’ve got to be in good shape tomorrow for this important thing I have to do

I promised my friend I’d be her DD later tonight if she needs me, she’s on a tinder date

My trainer put me on a low alcohol diet and if I have one I’ll want more

I feel the symptoms of a migraine coming on, and if I don’t drink I may be able too avoid a migraine that will put me out of commission for several days

I have an appointment for bloodwork and my doctor said no drinking for at least 72 hours before. It’s nothing serious, something about my thyroid.

I’m hanging out with my favorite aunt tomorrow. She’s a recovering alcoholic and she will know if I’m hungover and then she’ll pester me about it so I want to avoid that whole confrontation.

I’m trying to get pregnant and having a hard time, fertility doctor suggested cutting out the booze. (This is the nuclear option. )

In situations where I’m expected to be drinking I’ll sneakily order a 7up with a splash of cran and a lime, no one ever questions it.


Thanks so much for all the support everyone. Unfortunately I had to reset because I ended up drinking last night. I didn’t go overboard but of course I know that I will eventually if I continue. Going to just start over and do my best. 28 days was awesome and I want to try to get back there.

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Hey @coco. It’s good you are trying to catch it before things get much worse. Remember you still own those 28 days sober, and resetting the counter is not starting over.

I would recommend spending some time studying relapse prevention and how to deal with cravings. Some good resources are in these posts:

(Different Aspects of Recovery)

(Different Aspects of Recovery)