Non alcoholic beer

It has alcohol in it. In my opinion you are setting yourself up to start drinking again.

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Sugar free red bull is also a good option

I appreciate your concern but kombucha does not bother me, and I do not like energy drinks :slight_smile: There IS kombucha made without alcohol and these have been recently released in the UK.

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I quit drinking liquor and beer for 2 years (several years ago) and when i would have a strong craving i would drink NA beer. It helped during that time but after my divorce i picked the liquor instead. I dont have bad things to say about it…but it may be tempting to you instead. Ask yourself if you want to take that risk.

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Whats the point of drinking NA beer if you want to stop drinking why drink stuff which is labeled Alcoholic maybe still looking for that buzz? soda water and lime more refreshing


Check out this thread! Continuing the discussion from Replacement Drink?:

Iv just started this sobriety thing! Its been 42 days now without a drop of alcohol. I bought a couple of NA beers and they sat in the fridge for a few weeks, I opened one and felt almost guilty drinking it and then really felt like a proper beer! I resisted the temptation.


This is an older post but I had to share what I just read and laughed at. I’ve never heard this:

“Drinking O’Douls is like kissing a tit through a sweater” :rofl:

Author unknown


A saying I’ve heard in my AA community is ”Non-alcoholic beer is for non-alcoholics.” But it’s a decision you make for yourself. Just keep in mind that at some point every alcoholic says they’d do ANYTHING to get and stay sober. Is NA beer THAT important when you would do ANYTHING to stay sober?


Nice analogy :joy::joy::+1:

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You know what it is a very bad idea in early recovery. because first off if you’re even thinking about having a beer and putting yourself in a setting where you’re going to have non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages you’re going to relapse and you got to be able to practice your relapse prevention first off.

I fucking hate life and I just don’t want to be alive I am cas I have kids and a healthy fear of Jesu’s or I’d be fucking dead cas I hate my life

It could lead to something more so I would say it could be a bad idea


With a comment like that I think you’re going to actually scare Jesus away so you better come back to the light

@Staci You need to go to counseling or to meetings and talk to someone. Your kids could grow up to be just as miserable as you if you don’t get healthy. Do it for the love of your kids if not for yourself.

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Hey @Staci I’m sorry to hear you’re having a hard time. I was in that mindset not too long ago. It’s really important you chat to somebody - a friend, counsellor, therapist, or even have a big vent on here! Hope you feel better soon, you’re on the right track in this place.

I’ve heard this saying many times and I do get it…but st the same time non-alcoholics drink real beer and have no problem with it so they don’t need NA beer.

But I’m not saying alcoholics should drink NA beer or wine…it really depends on the person. For ME, drinking the NA stuff was never a trigger. Where I get in trouble is when I get that first buzz. That’s when I start drinking more and more in an attempt to keep the buzz. Unfortunately I quickly turn into a sloppy/slurring drunk. So as long as I never get a buzz I’m good. So for ME NA beer or wine is no different then drinking a juice or pop.

BUT I know many here have said that the taste triggers them. They get a feeling if “If I’m going to drink this stuff I might as well have the real stuff and get buzzed from it”.

I guess my point is (and it’s yo the whole forum, not just you) that every person needs to stop and think for themselves what will happen if they do drink them. I don’t believe anyone should ever say “yes” or “no” as a one answer fits all people. We are all the same but also all differentl at the same time.

FOR THE NEWBIE…I will suggest, if you don’t know what your trigger is then don’t test the waters until you feel for confident. Perhaps NA beer is not a good idea on your first sober weekend. You need some sober confidence first.

Good luck to all.


Oh, I forgot…WELCOME @Hazmat77!! Thanks for sharing. I hope you continue to share. You sound like you have a lot to offer.


Aaron u still on here I miss u friend I’m out of rehab

I wouldn’t. I know it might sound weird but i drink Apple juice have no idea why it helps lol but it does