Starting over...again

Weell here we go again. I had about 45 days clean and today I am starting over. Does anyone else tend to relapse ehen when they are finally starting to feel better and finally starting to save up some money? Money can be bad for me thats for sure. New to this site…new to any group really. Not sure if I am doing this right.


Hi Neil. I’ve gone a couple months perfectly fine, then a holiday or special event comes up and it’s back to square one. This forum is really helpful. It can be very encouraging to get great advice. Good luck to you!

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Thank you very much for your replies. I will give that a try, Oliverjava. I will also try to not be so hard on myself, or should i be harder on myself? Lol. Lifes little questions. After my post i went for a walk…15,000 steps. Feeling pretty good about that.


I haven’t had a relapse, but I’m feeling that itch. That feeling of, “oh, I don’t really have a problem.” Lies. All lies.


I’m starting over as well. I was approaching three years sober and I started wondering if I ever actually had a problem. And I fell off the wagon. Nothing terrible happened but I feel like I woke up the dragon. I’m on day three of being sober again. Lesson learned. I’ll remember this week the next time I wonder if I was ever addicted.


Wow @Elisabeth and @TomatoSammich we need to be Really careful!

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I promise you its not worth it. You will just be disapointed

Relapse is apart of recovery. Just keep fighting and take it one day at a time

Never use the term “starting over”! You still have those 45 days clean, you just get back on that horse, and learn something from what went wrong. (I had 13 months, relapsed, now back on track)


Yes! But now I feel sooooo sick. Hate alcohol.

@JohnSee has some wise words… be proud of the 45 days. It isn’t a loss, but a small set back. You are NOT a failure by any means!
Get back up and dust yourself off… soon those relapses will be fewer and further between… (((Hugs))) to you my friend!


Sometimes people decide to quit and don’t relapse at all. More often, people decide to quit and have downfalls when woring to change their habbits. Most people don’t make the biggest changes of their life without a few setbacks or challenges. Like trying to lose weight and feeling guilty after sneaking a cheeseburger, or starting an exercise routine and hitting the snooze button instead of going you the gym… no change happens without some kind of challenge! Keep working at making different changes to your recovery plan and you will succeed. :slight_smile: You are always on the path to success when you are trying. You can do this!


I’m doing okay. I think that relapse was helpful in its own way, and humbling. I’m on day 12 now. I’m feeling good about being sober again.