Who knew a book could make this easier?

So easy to find an opportunity to drink. Our society is built around it! My boys are a year apart so they keep me pretty busy, still in elementary school and very impressionable, I thought the wine was making me a more relaxed parent but that clearly was not the outcome as I descended into my habit. If you get a chance to read it let me know what you think :slight_smile:

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If you find it or start one let me know!

Ima proud Big Book Thumper!!

World’s Second Greatest Book!

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Let me know what you think when you get done! As mentioned in another post, it can be pretty repetitive but that is on purpose and explained by the author, and I think necessary. After so many years of belief in something it is important to really keep hearing/reading the new message over again in order to finally get there. Happy reading!


Yes! 36 days off the same stuff for me…congrats to us all…and Alan Carr’s book definitely helped


I would love to book club on here!!



Not spending a ton of money on booze is another really good reason to quit.

If I want to buy myself a treat I measure it in lunchtime or day long boozing costs.

An interesting book? Less than a lunchtime.!

A new shirt? A couple of days boozing!

And I have something to read or wear and not just some empty bottles and a sore stomach.



I just finished ‘This Naked Mind’ and really enjoyed it. I really am starting to think about alcohol in a way I never did before. Sure, we all know its really poison, but I didn’t realize the ways that we are conditioned to think that alcohol is making things better - and believing those lies.


This book has changed my life!

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I think that’s a great idea. I will join.

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That was an awesome thread

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Let Joe and Charlie take you thru the AA Big Book.

It’s free on YouTube.

It’s fantastic. Those guys are a gift!

Thanks for sharing, and great to hear you are seeing a change!

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I’m on chapter 23 of this great book, almost done!!!

Also on day 21 today AF!!!


I finished ‘This Naked Mind’ and now my wife, who is a very light, only occasional wine drinker, is reading it and wants to just make healthier choices. She is enjoying it as well.


Hey Charlie- so what do you think, did the ideas in there help to put a different spin on things for you? This weekend had me longing for a bottle of wine with our winter storm by the fire, but just thinking of how that really wasn’t a “relaxing treat” anymore really moved the thought through me quickly. I felt a loss of an old friend for a bit but felt good about my decision in the end. I love waking up with my day ahead of me.


Jazzr- I haven’t been on the forum in awhile but just read your post. This was awesome to read! I am only 70 days in but the words of this book stick with me still and shape my decision to not drink every day. I hope you have the same experience and I am so glad you got something out of it :slight_smile:

there is a book club thread on here and we’re going to discuss This Naked Mind sometime in April :grinning:


Hey there, just wanted to check in with you, how’s it going? I was at a st Patrick’s day party last night and had no desire to partake in the drinking. The book’s message is still with me…

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