Who knew a book could make this easier?

So I have struggled with my drinking for 25 years, I only stopped when I was pregnant and picked up my wine or whiskey quickly after my boys arrived. I drank every couple of days and absolutely every weekend up two almost 2 bottles of wine a night towards the end. I always felt bad drinking around my little ones and that I could never seem to just have one glass but thought I had it under control if I could make it to work the next day…and then I didn’t make it to work one day. I started missing appointments with friends and family or not making them at all because I knew I would be drinking the night prior. My life was no longer my own, even if I took a day or two off of drinking. So I did some research and stumbled upon “This Naked Mind” and read it in a few days so I could wrap my head around what she was saying. Since I finished the book I have little desire to drink, and even then it seems an empty craving that passes quickly. The detox period was harder than I thought, physically and emotionally, but now at 30 days I feel good that this is a decision I can make each day. I don’t worry about that party in march or the conference happy hour/ nights where I always have my fair share of free liquor for the week. I just make the decision today. I am hopeful this resolve stays with me, i don’t want to slip back to such a dark and depressing existence.


Hi there. I can suggest another very good (and inexpensive) book that I found to be very helpful. If you go to Amazon and do a search on books by Alan Carr, you’ll find that one of his books is on giving up alcohol. I read the Kindle version, that cost me under 6 euros, so certainly no great expense.
The central premise is that giving up alcohol isn’t DEPRIVING yourself of anything, but rather FREEING yourself from a lifetime of propaganda and brainwashing by alcohol (and/or cigarette, etc.) companies and even well-meaning family members or friends.
Anyway, I wish you success, and I suggest that you check in here from time to time… personally, I find this to be helpful too.


I’ve heard many people say great things about this book! I definitely need to go get a copy. Thanks for sharing! Do you have twin boys? I definitely found that parenting intensified my desire and “need” to drink. Free alcohol has always a weakness for me too… that and never wanting anything to go to waste. But I was finding between work functions, volunteer groups, mommy get togethers, there were multiple days a week I was drinking for free and using that to justify it.


Yes I’ve posted about this book on here a few times already!! I’ve heard amazing things. Mine came in the mail yesterday, can’t wait to start it! I got mine on Amazon Prime for $11.99 and free 2 day shipping, seems like an excellent investment :slight_smile: Glad to hear its helping you!


This naked mind is a fantastic book. Because of it I’m on day number 34.


I’ve had that on my hold list from the library for the longest time. I’m still number 5 in the queue. It must be a GREAT book if it is that popular.


Today I m 30 days Free from smoking and drinking and using cocaine thanks to Alan Car’s book and AA…Onestly, if you want to STAY sober you need some structured intervenction such as meetings.

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The Naked Mind is a very good book. I also ordered Alan Carr’s “The Easy Way for Women to Stop Drinking” which seemed interesting.

Not sure if this will help anyone but my best friend gave me a book on my birthday with daily affirmations. It’s called “Journey to the Heart” by Melody Beattie. Here is today’s:


Fyi: if you have read this naked mind you won’t gain anything from easy way. She essentially rewrote his book. And I’m going to disagree with the AA statement. You do whatever protocol works for you. I’m 199 days sober, have no intention of drinking again. I read Easy Way To Control Alcohol. I have no need for meetings.


I agree. It’s not up to anyone on here to make assumptions about what others “require” on their journey to recovery.


I just downloaded on Kindle. The first few pages have me hooked. The waking up thing I did for the last 2-3 years.


This book convinced me to quit drinking. I would highly recommend to anyone (but especially anyone who suspects but is unsure if they have a drinking problem). There is something very gentle but persistent about the arguments in this book and the thought experiments were very enlightening. I found her conclusions to be undeniable. I remember I stayed up all night reading it because I couldn’t put it down, and at the very end when I shut it, I burst out in tears and wept for a few minutes. Woke my partner up with my crying and told him I have to stop drinking and he looked at me like, “yes you really do”. I felt like I was mourning. I think in that moment I knew me and booze were over.


I downloaded the eBook version of This Naked Mind. Read the first few chapters and like it very much. Can’t wait to get deeper into it. Thanks for the suggestion.


Thanks but I’ll check it out for myself :slight_smile:

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I second the recommendation of this book. It is a little repetitive, but it makes a ton of sense. Also, The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober is really good too.


I just got this from the library cannot wait to read it… just finishing another book by cathrine gray unexpected sober diaries I think that’s what it’s called. That’s a good read as well.

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Love this passage.Thanks for sharing!

So easy to find an opportunity to drink. Our society is built around it! My boys are a year apart so they keep me pretty busy, still in elementary school and very impressionable, I thought the wine was making me a more relaxed parent but that clearly was not the outcome as I descended into my habit. If you get a chance to read it let me know what you think :slight_smile:

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If you find it or start one let me know!

Ima proud Big Book Thumper!!

World’s Second Greatest Book!

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