1 day after my slip

Ok so I am back on this journey. I currently am struggling to keep my work, my home life, and relationships all separate and not in harms way. Any advice for a once again struggling addict?


Welcome Brett.
This is a great place for support. Being active on here keeps me sober.
Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.



Hi Brett,
I hope this app will help you as much as it did to me. Take your time to settle in a bit. Read around, ask questions and use the magnifying glass above to find all the older threads you like to read. A for me very important thread here is this thread: Checking in daily to maintain focus #69 - #5 by Juli1 It’s used by many here to check in every day, sober ofcourse. It helps to keep yourself acountable. It’s also a very surportive thread, feel free to join!
I had my share of relapses. Came here after my last one almost 6 years ago, sober since!
You can do that too! :facepunch:


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

Nice to have you with us :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome. How are you doing?