1 day and 15 hrs counting

I have one day and 15 hrs (and counting) all I think about is perc 30. When will I stop thinking about it? Any advise for withdrawal? Thanks.

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1 day and 15 hours is awesome! Keep fighting!

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I promise you, after just a few more days it will get better. Believe me, I know how hard it is. The fact that you’ve gone almost 2 days is a huge accomplishment. Please don’t give up!


I would see a doctor for anything withdrawal related. Aside from that, the cravings get better once it’s completely out of your system.

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Say “no” to the pill that matters…the first pill. Say “no” to that one, and you win every battle.

You will get stronger, if you keep working, and one day, the cravings will be gone, or so weak that they are just a passing thought.

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Thank you! I really appreciate it. This is hard, but I am sick of the cycle. My heart is ready… I just need my Brain to do the same.

Thank you! I’m still going.


The craving and fixation will pass, the first 7-14 days are the toughest in the beginning because your body is detoxing. Just take it one day at a time, get extra vitamins and minerals, it will help and plenty of water. I can’t give you an exact time frame as it is different for everyone, keep taking it one day and listen and learn about what your body is going through

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Will do. Thanks for the advise.

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Honestly, I don’t think it ever reeeally goes, I’m 14 months in and I still think about alcohol… I used to chew gum like constantly when I was first quitting and starting going to the gym lots to distract myself, and at weekends doing things that I couldn’t physically do while hungover, and then sometimes you find that you’ve gone a day, or a weekend, or maybe a week without wandering down the wine aisle eyeing up the rosé

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14 months. Holy heck, that is awesome!!! Congrats. I can’t wait to be there. I hope I can just forget it all together!

Thank you, some days it feels like 14 years, I hope for the same one day too

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