1 day clean :)

It may seem like nothing but I’m officially 1 day clean if it means anything to people. But in proud of myself.


And you deserve to be proud, today is the only day that matters, deal with tomorrow when it comes,the first days are the hardest. Take it one day at a time and they will soon add up​:slightly_smiling_face::muscle::+1:


Your first day down on your new path. Your first day is a HUGE deal. Congrats and keep it going!

Congratulations…You have won the battle! Tomorrow you will face the same battle but you will have more experience under your belt to help you win again.

Please keep the fight going… there will really great days and really crappy ones. I can promise you that the great days will become more frequent and the crappy will still be there but you will be able to handle them so much easier when sober.

Good luck on your journey of sobriety!

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My 1st day clean


Every day clean and sober is huge! And all we can do. One day at a time. Repeat tomorow but for now be proud and happy about today. Great going @Ddrecovery and @Tahir_Desai !

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It’s definitely not nothing. Each day is a victory. So well done.:grinning:


It means everything,the beginning of your new life,congratulations

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Definitely NOT nothing. A day of sobriety is the only thing any of us are looking for! What worked for you to help keep you clean today?


Just had enuff, doing poorly at work. Not worth it no more

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Absolute horse crap! Be proud of day your day 1! Its just as important as my day number 470. Actually, that day 1 is far more important. Its your first step to a better life