1 day in still sober

I’m officially 1 day sober again …I would lie if I say I did not consider a drink…but I made it so far…whats strange is that I dont have the withdrawal that I had the previous times…maybe its still coming…I also told my husband today I am not drinking anymore and he supports my decision…


Been there many times, now 6 weeks in. One day at a time and seek folks to talk to. I do it with meetings. Best to you!

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I think about a drink on a daily basis around 5-6pm that was my down time after work…
Now on day 6 and A sparkling flavoured water is my replacement and this group. Well done on day 1 jst take it 1 at a time


I am right there with you. We can do this.

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Congrats on day 1! Before you know it you will be at day 100. Make a plan and stick to it. You can do it!

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Sounds like you have made a really good change in your recovery plan - telling your husband and having that support at home sounds very helpful.


I am now 3 days sober…again :wink: I would also be lying if I said I haven’t thought about getting a drink, but I haven’t. We got this!! We can do it!


Just made 49 hours. Last 5 hours were a pain. But I’m here too.


@Lorrie how did u get on :thinking:

Hi there I am getting along nearly double digets staing strong and getting more energetic now

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