1 Month - No Alcohol!

Thank you!! I plan to keep on grinding!! :slight_smile:

Thank you!!! I know that it will just keep getting better and better and am looking forward to my future and my life more than ever before!

Thank you!!!

Thank you so much! I can totally tell you that you are totally right on, I am still adjusting with emotions and anxiety and even physical things too, plus the relationship with my hubby as well… he and I drank together and now we are both sober and rediscovering and redefining our relationship/marriage. As great as it is to NOT be drinking it is still a huge adjustment not being in the fog all the time. So I look forward to things getting better overall as time goes on and we continue to not drink. Im certain he and I will end up stronger together on the other side. :smiley:


Thank you!!

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Great work! Let’s keep on keeping on together!! :partying_face::pray:t2::two_hearts:

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That’s an amazing accomplishment! Congrats on the hard work and keep it up! :smile:

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Thank you and that sounds like an amazing plan to me!!! We can do this!!!

Love the Shepherd in your pic, we have a Shepherd too!

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Thank you so very much, that means so much!! That’s my plan… I definitely don’t want to go back to where I was not that long ago!

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Shepherds are the only dog I ever taken to. So so clever. The one in the pic wasn’t quite a year old there. He’s two on Dec 28. He’s the most stubborn dog I’ve ever known. Training him is hard work, it’s his way or no way. I have an electric training collar and he’s like a different dog when it’s around his neck! And that is without it even being switched on! Too clever, little bugger lol. :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Our current Shepherd is nearing 6 1/2 years old and is about 110 lbs. He is long haired and he actually had floppy ears as his ears never stood up! He is the biggest baby, HAHA. Ill see if I can post a pic of him…

I also had another Shepherd when I was married to my ex. He was highly intense. Our boy now is just a happy go lucky type who tries to crawl into you lap while we sit on the couch. He is a persistent and you must be firm with him to get him to listen, yet oh so lovable!

His name is Wyatt!


Oh he’s so lovely. What a cutie! My lad is called Otto, they are such loyal dogs… here he is pretending that I’m not asking him why he’s on the chair in the front room…he thinks if he doesn’t look at me I’m not there lol…image :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Love the dog I have a German Shepherd as well love my dog. Is yours loveable to you?


OMG he is a gorgeous boy!!! OH he is such a stinker doing that… just when he thinks you’re not looking, haha!

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Feel free to post a pic of your Shepherd too!! Would love to see him or her!!

My German Shepherd I hope I uploaded it right new at this stuff.


Oh he or she is gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing! We have 2 other dogs and 3 cats in our house, its like we live in a zoo! Ha!

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Her name is Jewels she was the runt and the couple we bought her from did not want to sell us her cause she was to small. But my wife was like no way that’s are dog. We also have a pitbull that we rescued they are best buddy’s. Oh and a Parrot fish and a African cichlid


That is a very cool story! She looks like a sweetheart. How old is she now? You’re place kinda sorta sounds like a zoo too! I do mean that in a good way! Its just me and hubby and our almost 17 year old daughter every other week, so we are easily out numbered in our household. When all 4 of our kids lived here AND we had 5-6 animals during that time, there was not much space left in our 1250 sq ft home!

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Oh what a cutie! Great picture. Mine has his moments at being loveable but it’s always on his terms. I hope that’s just his age. My old shepherd that I had before this one was soooo loveable. It’s funny how they can be so different. Thanks for the pic, beautiful dog :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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