1 Month - No Alcohol!

So today marks 1 month alcohol free and it is feeling SO good! I’m so glad to have made this this decision for myself, for my marriage, for my kids and my family. I’ve been easing my way back into fitness and hopefully by January I’ll be ready to add more daily exercise in in my routine. Thank you to all who have been so supportive and kind.


Proud of u. Yo, keep it up!!!

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Yeah! That’s awesome, congrats💚 keep up the hard work! You can do this yo, keep ya head up and mind focused😁


Good job! I can’t wait to be in the same place! (Today is day 6 for me)


Hey Deb. Big congratulations on 1 month sobriety. That’s is HUGE!! I think that was my hardest milestone to get through. It hasn’t always been easy but it’s always been worth it. We are all worth it.
Keep up the great work.


Congratulations :tada::heart:

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1 month is a huge accomplishment! Good for you!!

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You’re a miracle! Keep on shining like the diamond you are!


Nice!! Congrats on a full month of sobriety.


Yyyaaaayyyy!!! One month is amazing!!! Keep it up!


Way to go great job

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Awesome congratulations!!

I believe the first 90 days are the hardest, you still kinda have a wet brain, dealing with raw emotions dealing with anxiety depression and all the physical symptoms, making it through the first 30 is the hardest, it really does get easier


Thank you SO much!!! I fully intend to keep hanging on!! Woohoo!!

Thank you VERY much!! I need to do exactly that, stay focused and always remember why I stopped!

Thank you, thank you!! Congrats on your day 7 now!! You too are doing a great job!

Hi Eric and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the big congrats. It means so much to me… ALL of you great people here means so much! I know it isn’t easy, but know once I start seeing some real results with get back into shape it will just give me even more incentive to stay strong and stay the course!


Thank you!!!

Thank you so very much!! Here I come month 2… there’s no looking back as I’m coming for you month 2! Hehe.


Awww!!! Thank you so much!! Thank you for the reminder that I too am so very special. Everyone needs to hear that, so thank you. :slight_smile:


Thank you! It feels so good!

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