1 Month Sober the Struggle is REAL..real FRUSTRATING

Hello my name is Samantha I am from the 845 NY currently residing in 904 Florida. I am 1 Month Sober today and it’s really starting to get to me. I started using 2 1/2 years ago like H was not my choice in of drug because when I was with my son’s father for 7 years 4 out of those 7 years he battled addiction with H and I hated everything about it. When we broke up I never in my life thought I’d go down the rabbit hole… until 2 years of my new relationship I was curious and was told after smoking C you should try IV of H it helps with the come down, I didn’t think it was such a good idea bcuz I was told if you use 3 days straight you’re done… well I guess you can say smoking C is the reason why I got hooked on H and than it all went down from there… I starting IVing H,C and CC. I did it everyday for the past 2 1/2 years. I stopped communication to all my family and friends and struggled to keep a relationship with my kids. I know that’s family but they’re the family I brought into this life who didn’t ask to be here or have a drug addict mother. So that’s a little story about where I was to where I am now. I never want to do H again it wasn’t my choice of drug… I just stuck with it for the come down of smoking C and IVing CC for the come down and the obvious body sickness. But C and IVing CC is where my struggle is… so please if you can give me positive feedback to keep moving forward to help me get through this hump much appreciated.


Welcome to the forum. I used Heroin for a long time. Its never pretty. I suggest getting involved in a womans support group. Get a sponsor/ mentor and get to work. Kids grow.


Welcome Samantha! That was a very brave share. Thank you :purple_heart: You’ve been through a lot. This community is a wonderful safe, supportive place. You will find many souls who have experiences similar to your own.

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Welcome! Glad you are here. I started with alcohol, graduated to cocaine, found heroin IV then found meth and became addicted to heroin and meth IV so I can relate. I had to go to treatment for my own personal situation because it was really bad. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going to treatment either, I met a lot of really great women and honestly it’s where I felt the safest at that point in my life. If you aren’t open about that, then try going to in person Narcotics Anonymous meetings, find a woman sponsor and start working the steps. Recovery is possible


Thank you for responding

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Heroin not my choice of drug… Crack & Cocaine my problem I don’t believe I need a sponsor right now or maybe I do but I am keeping busy by working two jobs

I went to treatment 4 times my 5th time I detoxed at my friend’s house and haven’t done it anything since the day before I went to their house.

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I know I’m just saying that Herion wasn’t my choice of drug

First time here. I identify so much with what you say. I too went down the rabbit hole with crack. Dated someone who didn’t let on that she did that stuff. So after falling totally in love with her, I caught her doing it. She asked me if I wanted to try it. I could/should have left her right then, but I was hooked from that day. Now I’m not blaming her, as I could have said no. But wondering if I could stay sober and then of course thinking I could handle it one more time just frustrated me. So I know exactly what you are going through. Been to rehab 5times, but used the same day I got out. Not everyone understands the hold crack can have. Keep fighting.

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If you’ve been doing heroin every day for the last 2 years it’s kinda hard to say its not your DOC. I found that when I finally got sober it helped me immensely to admit to myself the depth and scope of my addiction. In my case I originally said that alcohol wasn’t my DOC as I wanted to leave the door open to using it in the future. Well I did go through the alcohol door after my first rehab and crippling addiction was still waiting on the other side.


Yes for real it’s not a physical addiction but a mental one… And to go into a slight detail about how it started…my friend offered it to me I said no I don’t want to do it and they were like come on just try it and I’m like nooooo I don’t want too but I did at the same time and ya I totally gave in and that was that…I can say I blame them but I too could of been stronger and said no but as we all do it is easier to blame someone else than take it on ourselves. And everytime I left detox I went home and used again accept this time i moved to Fl for the 5th time lol and so far 1 Month Sober yay


Sounds so similar to me. It’s like you think of nothing else. I was the fool who would blow all my money on it. Now I have dealers and people I smoked with trying to get in touch with me because I was spending everything I earned from work on it. So I was good for business. Please don’t be triggered by what I say.