1 Week Marijuana Free- Check in

I have returned from Thanksgiving break, where I spent a week with my family with no weed. The first day was of course challenging, feeling nothing but annoyed easily, sweats, heavily decreased appetite, and oh my gosh so fatigued to the point where i did not want to leave my bed. However, after opening up with my Mom and asking for help, she made the transition a lot smoother than i could’ve done by myself. I was supported with gummy nutrients of Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin D to help with fatigue in the morning and Melatonin to help the restlessness at night.

I feel so much better, brain less foggy and I’m able to remember much more than I was under the influence. Now that I’m heading back to college, i need to remain focused on my sobriety journey for 2 more additional weeks until I’m off to study abroad in Europe (where marijuana in the place i’m studying at, is not accessible) I really do want to continue this! Hopefully my friends can be supportive of this decision I make when I soon express it to them, if they invite me to smoke with them during the last 2 weeks.