1 week soberrrrrr

Last Sunday on father’s day i had a seizure. I’ve never had one before and it happened in front of my whole family. I’ve been a closet alcoholic for about 8 years and the last couple years I’ve been getting worse and worse. I know it’s happening but I can’t control my want for it. That was until last Sunday, I stayed in the hospital 2 nights and boy what a wake up call. I haven’t had a sip of liquor since and joined this group because I could use some encouragement. Sorry for the long post, thanks to those of you that read till the end.



Welcome! And congratulations! Very good job! One week is very good!
I wish you all the best on your continued journey!

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Welcome @Cody_Romine. I have found this forum to be great and a good inspiration I read as much as I can every day, there’s a thread for everything. Congratulations on a week :grin::+1::blush::1st_place_medal::smile::trophy:

Congratulations with your week sober, awesome Cody! :tada:
Hope to see you around often, it helps to read and write here. Do you have help at home in your recouvery?

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Yes, my family and friends are all being very supportive

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Welcome, this is a great first step!

Congratulations on making the decision Cody. The seizure sounds very scary for yourself and your family. It’s great you’re here.

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That must have been really scary - sorry to hear you went through that. So glad you are on here now and that you have managed a whole week. Keep reading all the encouraging posts on the forum - there is always someone that can help or give you words of advice when most needed. x

Sorry that happened to you,especially on fathers day,Fathers day was my last drink also.best of luck on your journey,there is a lot of knowledge in this group so if you are struggling just ask :slight_smile:

Hi Cody and welcome to the forum.

A week is a long time if you’ve been a closet alcoholic, I know how hard it is to live that lifestyle and the damage that the isolation can cause.

I too had seizures, (6 in one day) they are really scary. I went out and kept using though because the hospital treated me like a stupid drug addict and didn’t really look after me. Since then I cut down slowly and haven’t had a seizure since, but have still had to give everything up.

It’s hard to know where or who to turn to at times like this. Alcohol was my best friend. I realise now it’s my worst enemy. It makes a fool out of me, and im pretty foolish at times to begin with, so there’s no need to double my stupidity by putting alcohol in my system.

I look forward to hearing more from you and wish you all the best for your recovery. Remember to post here before you pick up a drink or drug - for any reason at all.

well done on 1 week maybe try a AA meeting or smart meet new friends wish you well

Congratulations on your 1 week … hope u r feeling better. Aa is a great way to get and stay soba… i owe my life to the programme x good luck x