1 year anniversary

That is absolutely amazing! Congratulations and great work. I hope to be there myself one day.

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Congratulations :clap: :clap: :clap:

Good job dude, keep up the brilliant work and really love your transformation

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Hey! Congratulations and thanks for sharing. I’m from Kansas City where BBQ is king. You smorgasbord looks amazing!!!

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Congratulations amigo!

This bitmoji kills me, Donna. Congratulations on your year! Well done @Quinny251.

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@Quinny251, congrats man! Just a heads up, the second year brings its own set of new challenges, but if you stay aware you should be able to defeat them as well. They sneaky, sneaky little bastards, those second year struggles. I’d say they are easier overall, but man did they catch me off guard a bit. I promised myself that I’d spread the word and keep the awareness up.

Stay strong, buddy. Glad to see you still doing it.


One year dance for Quiny!! BOOGIE BOOGIE :dancer::man_dancing: WOOT WOOT :dancer::man_dancing::dancer: BOOGIE BOOGIE :dancer::man_dancing: WOOT WOOT :dancer::man_dancing:

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Great job man :+1:
Very inspiring. I Love to see all the one year olds. I am Hoping I can get there myself someday.
And that BBQ looks amazing :yum:
And so do you !!
I’d be showing it off too.

Thanks @Meggers I have read some stuff on this. How people get comfortable, feel that they actually have had a long enough break etc to be able to drink in moderation again.

Just have to be aware. I’m really putting my focus in other stuff this time around so God willing :pray:

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Congratulations buzzing for you well done

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Cheers mate. One day at a time :+1:

I am 2 days away from 180 days longest clean streak in 15 year


Just day by day ay pal.

I found it useful to read back posts on here from the first weeks when that feeling of the ‘next day’ mental torture was still fresh.

Problem is as time goes by you start looking at your drinking days at only the good memories etc. It’s a trick of the mind.

I found this nakedind by Annie Grace a good read generally and SMART Recovery which works on the premise of using behavioural tools to remind yourself why we stopped what we lose and what we gain. It helps me a lot.