1 year clean af!

And just like that…the clock hit 12:00 and the widget on my Home Screen turned to 365 days. I was going to start the next sentence with “I can’t believe I made it…” but that’s bullshit! I’m here BECAUSE I believed I could! I’m here because 365 days ago I had this tiny little mustard seed sized spark of hope way deep down inside of me. More days then I can count I doubted myself. I doubted my ability to make it through my hardest days clean. But that spark of hope kept growing and growing and it snuffed out any bit of doubt I had in myself. I kept repeating “just for today” literally over and over again for 365 days and I made it, not by measuring the year ahead of me or the months or the weeks, but literally just taking one step infront of the next one day at a time. 365 days Is a lot of just one day at a times. Last year when I relapsed I could never imagine myself getting here. It seemed so out of reach and now IM FUCKING HERE!!! I’m happier then I think I’ve ever been and I’m SO EXCITED to continue taking one step infront of the next because I know all those steps will add up to 1 beautiful life DOPE FUCKING FREE!!!


Happy Birthday!!!

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This! I love it!
Congratulations with your massive milestone! :tada:


Amazing work! Well done you. I dont know you but i am proud :pray:

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Heck yeah!
YOU did this.
This is such a great quote and shows a profound shift in thinking.
Go you!


Congratulations ! You Can be proud of yourself. WE are and thanks for sharing :pray:t5::blue_heart:

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Can’t like this post enough. I too resonate with the tiniest seed of hope that I could get better, day by day, doing the next right thing, surrounding myself with all the support I could find. Congrats on your freedom from toxic substances!


Congratulations! Great share, thank you :pray:t2::two_hearts: hope you enjoy your soberversary :ok_hand::clap:t2:

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Strong AF too!! So very happy for you!!! Congratulations on your year!!! :heart::heart::heart:

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Congratulations :clap::tada::clap: I’m excited for you too!

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Outstanding! Well deserved milestone and some real steel for believing in yourself!!! Hugs

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Congrats on your 365 consecutive days without dope. So happy for you!!!
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Woooooo! What an amazing achievement! Fantastic work right there :clap::clap:

Congratulations :tada:

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HELL FKN YEAH!:muscle: CONGRATS GIRL!!:yellow_heart: Ill have 8 months on the 24th.


Congratulations!!! Great post :purple_heart::+1::sunflower:

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Congratulations on adding those days one at a time! Such an awesome accomplishment :partying_face:

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