1 year meth sober

1 year sober from meth makes me feeling powerful and stronger…:+1::grin:


Welcome back, and congrats on one year sober! :partying_face:

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That’s so great to hear! Congratulations and thanks for sharing!

Welcome back and huge congrats I am 229 days sober from meth pills and can’t wait to hit 1 year


Congratulations to you!!

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Congratulations! Stick around, I am sure there are many that could use your story!

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Great post, short and to the point, congrats on this. I truly wish you the best. Keep going.

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Congratulations !!! :dizzy:

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Congratulations! :tada:

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Congratulations, I worked in the restaurant industry for a decade and I had a couple coworkers I watched battle meth addiction. Not an easy feat. Really proud of you. Keep working it.




That is really wonderful to read. Congratulations on your year. That is a huge accomplishment. Very happy for you!!

Congratulations. Hoping to be where you are soon enough. I’m new to the community but I’m sure with everything I’ve seen here so far and my online meetings, that I have enough support to meet my goals. My family is also super supportive and for that I am grateful. Again, congratulations on making your 1st year sober.