1 Year Milestone

Can’t believe I made it one year without alcohol. Here’s to many more. :blush::heart:


Congratulations on 1 year!

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Congratulation on your 1 year soberversary :sunflower::partying_face::birthday::woman_fairy:


Congratulations Amy :tada::confetti_ball::tada:

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Well done for this awesome milestone!
Congratulations!! :confetti_ball:

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Congratulations, that kicks ass :muscle:t2::heart:

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That’s amazing! Congratulations on 1 year!

Well done Amy :ok_hand::fist_right::muscle::partying_face:

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Huge well done from me :grin::+1:

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Congratulations Amy :confetti_ball: :clap:

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Fabulous!! Congratulations :tada:

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Thank you everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow! 1 year is awsome! Congratulations!

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Thats fantastic! Great work on your 1 year - happy soberversary :tada: :tada: :clap: :partying_face:

Many more milestones to celebrate ahead :heart:

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1 year sober is major! Congrats on your ongoing sobriety

Congratulations on your year!!! :bouquet:

Congratulations @Amy82!


Congrats on this huge milestone! Any advice for someone looking to get there too??


Wow. Congratulations!!! So proud of you!

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