1 year sober! Can I hear your stories of sobriety?

congratulations! today is my new sobriety date so i hope to be where you are in a year but i’m going to try to remember to do this one day at a time.

here’s my story today:

in july of 21 i had a horrible night drinking, drugging, and fighting with my boyfriend at the time. So i decided not to drink for a year. i didn’t want to label myself an alcoholic but i knew i could benefit from a long break.

near the end of that sober year i was finally able to leave that horrible boyfriend for good (i’d tried to leave so many times before.) i managed to stay sober to meet my year goal but soon found myself drinking again, convinced i could enjoy it. honestly i felt i needed it in order to date again for the first time in 8 years.

but something about alcohol got me back in the habit of dating emotionally unavailable men just like my ex.

i have tried repeatedly to quit drinking and quit dating these men who aren’t good for me off and on since july of 22.

i’m just tired of being in this cycle and wonder what my life could be like if i commit to myself by not drinking alcohol or pursuing relationships with ppl who make me feel less than.

i want to become present with myself and my loved ones.

again, congrats on your year of sobriety! thank you for sharing your story and requesting we share ours.


One of the nicer things that can happen is that sobriety becomes progressive and evolves from not drinking, to hoping to avoid booze, to maybe wanting to stay straight, to understanding drinking wasn’t helpful and was actually harming me, to enjoying sobriety with new friends, support groups and activities, to believing that life is meant to be lived soberly and to have all drinking misbeliefs removed from my mind so that I could live happy joyous and free.

Sober since 1984 and haven’t had an urge or thought of drinking for at least the last 30 yrs! I have been released !!