1 year sober! Can I hear your stories of sobriety?

I made it a whole year sober today! I couldn’t be happier to know that I finally was able to stay sober longer than three months. I struggled with drinking and was in denial about being an alcoholic for a long time, it wasn’t until I almost ruined my whole life that I finally decided enough is enough. I was a heavy drinker and drank until I blacked out and acted a fool everytime. I have so many moments while drunk that I am ashamed of, but those are what I remember when I think about drinking again. I remind myself how far I have come and how badly I do not want to wake up feeling anxious over what I could have done last night. I remind myself to always take it one step at a time and everyday I say to myself “my sobriety is the most important thing to be, I stop myself from having 20 drinks by not picking up the first one” those two little sentences keep me going on hard days​:heart: Now I would love to hear any of your journeys to sobriety and how long you have been fighting that battle. I always feel so inspired after posting here​:grin: thank you too everyone who reached out an shared a sweet message with me when I post on here for advice, it’s been a great help to me :sparkling_heart:


Congrats on one whole flippin year. Thats awesome!


Congratulations on a full trip around the sun! :tada:
Making it through all the firsts (holidays, birthdays etc) is no easy feat.

I heard a quote when I started AA …“The first drink will get me drunk.”, in the beginning it made no sense at all. As time went on, it became clear, if I don’t pick up that first, there will never be a 10th or 20th in your case.


Congrats to you! So happy for you!!!


Congrats on one year!
I’ve read a few times on here about keeping notes of the bad times/feelings etc and this is exactly what I did a couple of days after an incident a few weeks ago (albeit before I found this fantastic forum).
Everything you have said is also true for me and the difference with me having an occasional break in the past and quitting this time round is that this time I know it’s not a temporary thing, I’m not ticking the days off to reach that one month milestone and then go balls out because ‘well done me, you’ve gone a month without a drink, let’s celebrate by slowly (quickly!) sinking back into that hole’.
Keeping notes on my phone has really helped me, nothing extravagant, just a few comments on how I was feeling at the time and how I’ve felt in the past but also the massive positives of how I’m feeling now I’m not drinking. It’s handy to have a glance over every now and then.


Congrats on 1 year, that’s amazing!


Congratulations on a whole year of growing without alcohol!

I’ve been consciously fighting this battle for a few years now, through constant failures. I was also a blackout drinker. Too much was never enough. Every bad thing that ever happened in my life involved alcohol, even when I wasn’t the one drinking.

I’ll have my first year February 15th. I say that with such confidence bc like you, I know (from repeated trial and error) where one drink will take me. It may be just one drink one day, but the next day could be 20, and I wouldn’t know when I’d find the strength to quit again. I will not risk that. No going backwards. Keep it up friend :clap:


Congratulations on your 1 year of sobriety!!! You are incredible…:muscle::muscle:


Congrats. It seems so impossible at the moment for me to go a year. 90 days is my record. Thank you for sharing.


Congrats on 1 year :tada::confetti_ball::woman_fairy::four_leaf_clover:


Congratulations on your one year anniversary, you’re an inspiration!


Big congrats on one year, that’s amazing! Would love to be able to make the same post a year from now.


You will get there. It seems so cliché but one day at a time is the best way to do it. That saying is popular for a reason!


A would love to see masel a year from now being clean and sober to give me a boost well done on ur year


I’m not far behind you! My one year is on the 4th. Your story sounds a lot like mine! I realized I was gonna throw my life away if I kept drinking. Congrats on the milestone! Looking forward to hitting mine shortly :raised_hands:


One day at a time and trust me it adds up quick! I can’t believe mine is in 3 days! Statistics show that if you can make it a year your likelihood of relapse goes way down. Part of my motivation was to not be part of the large majority that don’t hit that year mark. I won’t throw the numbers out because it can be discouraging to some and almost makes it seem insurmountable. But, it truly is one day at a time and if you live that way it becomes way less daunting.


Congratulations on completing your first year sober! :partying_face: That’s SO huge and fantastic! What has been your favorite change in this past year?


What an achievement. Congratulations.

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Hi Hope, congratulations first year is really amazing, i remember beeing so proud but also pondering what do i do now? …celebrate? How?
In the end i just plodded on and am now 3 years and 7 months sober and always greatful for it.
The first year for me were the hardest, its like learning to live again, with stresses and problems still happening but cope with, life sober, no crutch
The first Christmas and new year was not easy, but you get stronger and it doesn’t bother me at all now.
I would when i was drinking keep a journal one and off, i was honest and i wrote down all the horrible feelings and the things i did and how much i wanted a sober life, i wrote down everything that beeing sober would improve, and i got help, i never gave up on giving up, even with 2 small relapses early on, i dragged myself up and plodded on.
I read my journal and my notes after about 2 years sober and it did upset me but it also made me all that more determined, i can in certain circumstances think of drink again, but its rare now and last time i had a thought of drinking i found this place and that keeps me going strong.
Simple thing is, im so happy beeing sober i dont want to swap my happiness for drink
Keep going , because after the one year big goal, there are others.


Well done on 1 year , i tell my story when i get asked to do top tables it changed every year i was in recovery now i usualy only speak about recover and the program as im alot longer sober to when i was drinking i wish you well