1 year sober tomorrow

Tomorrow will mark my official year 1 of sobriety from alcohol. Reflecting back on this last year, it felt like it was a lifetime ago, compared to the many years of drinking (which all seem like a blur now). I’ve felt more in control of my life, and it’s never felt easier for me personally to keep strong with my resolve. Admittedly, I feel I’ve picked up other unhealthy habits to compensate, such as eating more, etc. But without alcohol in my life, I feel more than confident I can kick those habits as well, and bring more health and joy into my life.

The beginning of sobriety was some of the worst moments of my life, but I’m grateful I was able to push past through it. If y’all share similar experiences, please let me know about them :grin:

And if you’re reading this, and this is your first time trying sobriety, there’s a whole world just waiting for people like us to experience. Hang in there as much as you can, and I promise you’ll come out stronger than ever :raised_hands:


So happy for you on your year tomorrow!! Tackle one thing at a time for sure. Way to go!!!

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Congratulations :tada::tada: on your tomorrow 1 year !
Huge huge accomplishment!

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Way to go!! Happy year!

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Beautiful message. I hope you hit the bed sober tonight and celebrate your one whole fucking year sober in style!!! Way to go!

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Congratulations. So happy for you. What is the best thing of 1 year sobriety?

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Well done!! :confetti_ball:




I simply love posts like this. Keep up the good work and give yourself a pat on the back. I’m proud of you.


Well done you :clap: and very encouraging to hear , and may you be blesses with many more years! :grinning:

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Easily the best thing about sobriety is having peace of mind. For years, I’d be overly stressed because of depression, scared my drinking would get me into harm or trouble, or that my work or school would be impacted. Not to mention the constant feeling of fatigue, worried my body may just give out at any moment. Not having that mortal fear every day has… done so much :pray:

Happy 1 year my guy!!! :birthday: :partying_face: :tada:


Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment!

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