100 Day Challenge - Failed

I have this thought a lot too “I’d have more fun at this thing if I had a drink” so far that hasn’t actually proven to be true. And honestly if I’m not having fun at a thing without drinking I need to find better things to be doing or people to be hanging out with. Maybe that thing I’m drinking at so it can be “fun” just isn’t my jam anymore :woman_shrugging:t2: And that’s ok too.


A reminder to post with good intentions and to view posts with the same good intentions. We are all allowed our journey, even as it may not make sense to others. We are all here for sobriety, support and community.

Badgering, belittling and baiting are not helpful and are against the rules and spirit of our forum/community.

It is okay to step away from conversations that are not serving you.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment graveyard 2022

Exactly…thank You for the encouragement!!!


Let’s cool off for a while.

Additional negative interactions may result in silencing, official warnings or suspension.