100 day SOBER challenge!



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Thank you so much!!

So cute! Thank you!

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Amazing!!! Look at you go :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:. 100+ days and growing stronger every day :tada::confetti_ball:

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Another row ticked off. Excited to bag my 300 days and then my next sheet I’ll be honing in on a year! So proud of myself!


Yes you should be excited. Good for you. I am a ways behind you!


So excited for you! You should be proud of yourself :muscle:t4:…hell of a job. Looking forward to celebrating 300 days with you soon :confetti_ball::tada:

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You’re smashing it tailee

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This time i want to take strong. After many many countless relapses before reaching two weeks, I started again this is my 2nd Day.

I understood, I cannot drink in control and I’m an alcoholic, If I start again that will take me again where I was.


Glad to see you on the challenge and with a new positive attitude. Hopefully you have your tools and in real life support to help you as well. We are here supporting and cheering you on…day 2 and gaining :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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Day 3
No Alcohol and Drugs
I’m grateful for living sober today. I didn’t went anywhere, I started studying a course and along with my 100 days sober challenge, I’m also taking this course also and I want to build some awesome projects
in this 100 days.

Attended two online AA meetings and waiting for another one to start. Sleep was not good at all and hope it will be better coming days. Appetite is improved and I’m eating on time also drinking 3+ liters of water daily.

After I quit drinking I concerned about my pot belly which is gifted by my drinking habit and I’m just scared about that because internet searches says it also sign of liver disease. I will go for a liver function test after a month.

Hope you all doing well.


Amazing!! Day 3 and adding healthy habits to your routine. Best of luck with the course. Hopefully you will be able to share some of your projects with us once completed.
Keep working on your journey and hope the body heals with time and patience. Alcohol is such a toxic poison and it takes so much from us. I do hope your liver is ok :pray:t4:


Thanks @JazzyS


Day 4

No alcohol or drugs.

I’m grateful for being sober today and for the happiness I’m feeling. Today was a bit lazy. I had planned to dedicate more time to learning and finishing my online course, but I didn’t manage to sit in front of my PC. In the morning, I attended three online AA meetings, and after lunch, I felt the need to sleep since my sleep has been off the past few days. However, I will dedicate some time tonight because I want to make progress, little by little, each day—otherwise, I’ll lose track. Lately, I’ve felt more interested in things, but I still get lazy sometimes. I hope it’s just part of the early stages of my recovery. I believe things will get better day by day. My first milestone is to complete my 100-day challenge, after which I’ll compare myself before and after.

I hope you all are doing well!


During the initial stages I was barely able to accomplish much…just the fact that you remain sober is a HUGE accomplishment. I would not call you lazy. You accomplished a lot and remained sober :muscle:t4:. That’s a win. Be kind to yourself and patient with the progress. ODAAT


Day 5

Things are going well. I slept pretty well yesterday, but today I found myself getting angry over small things. I got upset with my mom because she didn’t make my favorite meal, even though she had agreed to earlier. Later, she explained that she was too tired.


Congratulations on 5 days.

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@s_unrelax - I obviously don’t know what your exact age is, but I am pretty sure you’re old enough to make your own favorite meal if it’s that important to you. Grace also means being gracious to our loved ones!

5 days is great work. It’s easy to be short tempered and in edge when our bodies are detoxing from the poison. We have to be kind to our loved ones as they are the ones having to deal with us during the addiction phase and the recovery. Keep working on your ODAAT 's … almost 1 week :muscle:t4:


Thanks Jazzy :slight_smile:
How about your life ?