Update: I finally hit 1 year! ☺️ / Update: next 100 in a row! / 100 days, 83% success rate? 🙄

My rule is that percentage must only improve up to 100%, any decrease is a serious alarm. Not an excuse to drink at all, I feel very stupid after it happens


I’m with you on the exercise thing. I know there’s something missing and exercise has always helped me. Sounds like we both have to make that push to do that. Just like everybody else said I feel like if I touch my lips to alcohol it’s a complete failure, but I did what you are doing for a long time quitting for a week quitting for a month going back-and-forth. Although, like everybody else, my recommendation is abstinence. But it sounds like you’re giving a side-by-side comparison. I was just thinking about that this morning. I feel really good. But damn if I drank last night, I would feel like death warmed over. I think in the beginning it’s like knocking over a pop machine, maybe you don’t get it on the first try it you gotta get it rocking a little bit lol.


Dunno, I think a lot of people went through phases of gradually increasing the no of sobriety days before finally stopping for good. In the past, I’ve had longer and longer periods of either not drinking, not drinking every day or not getting drunk. But I can’t say I classed myself as sober… Blacking out 3 times in a year vs 24 times is an improvement. But one blackout is one too many. And if I drink 10 times without a blackout, is not exactly an achievement. It’s just a form of russian roulette for me.

You seem to be talking about moderation here. Because 83% adds up to around drinking once per week. But not quite every week. And that’s… not quite the point.


Welcome, and well done getting some days.

Some passing thoughts. If you feel great not drinking, why think about going back? That’s always such a funny paradox to me. We have everything to lose drinking, and nothing to lose sober.

Also, normal drinkers don’t need a calculator to keep track. If it takes that much thought, it’s not a great sign we can actually take it or leave it…

In the end we must each decide for ourselves. I’d encourage thinking about the positive changes you’ve felt on all those sober days. If we abstain, that can be everyday!


For me i know and accept that i am powerless over alcohol…ive never been to AA yet but im still early in my recovery (227 days) what i do know is that im here to learn and ive gained alot of respect for those on here who have really long term sobriety…they are the ones that really know… and not once have i ever seen any of them advocate any kind of moderation in whatever form…im currently looking in to a 12 step programme but i know if i was to have even 1 drink then thats me back on the slippery slope to devastation…nothing in this world is worth that


Thank everyone for taking time to give me your feedback. I asked myself many things because of your words. I decided to try a more radical move and started new 100 days using the table below. :blush:


My approach has been one day of sobriety. It starts in the morning when I awake and I plan how I am going to stay sober that day. Then I use that plan until I go to bed at night. Rinse and repeat - I have found that tomorrow takes care of itself if I take good care of today.


Thank you @Lezourez for introducing me to In The Rooms, I’ve already followed a couple of live meetings at AA and found them very helpful! :clap:


My pleasure, I’m glad you found them helpful :innocent:&:smiling_imp:


If your goal is 100 sober days, but only managed 83, that’s still 83 that you succeeded. Keep the goal at 100%, and keep striving toward that goal. Never give up, and eventually it will stick.


Three weeks done! Let’s go!


Just wanted to chime here with a congrats! But also, you have to make your journey work for you. If you are not struggling with cravings, you feel a decreasing desire to drink, and feel good about where you are physically and mentally, then 83 sober days out of 100 sounds like a success to me. Only YOU can measure success or failure. If this works for you, amazing! But be wary of doing something for other people or because of pressure from people who do things differently from you. The only people this has to work for is you and the people around me. If other peoples way works for them, thats amazing too! Sobriety and journeys with alcohol are not one size fits all, no matter what the mainstream thinking is. I wish you luck for your 100 days and beyond!


Thank you, your words hit the center of my thoughts. Yes, follow our singular way but also stay open to positive influences and suggestions from who have been in the path before.


Hey guys, I’m having some positive results! My energy is at :top:, you were right to say complete abstinence is way better! Let’s go on


Things are becoming serious now. This challenge seems to work on me since I’ve reached Day 65 of 100 without having a drop of alcohol and gaining a lot of benefits. Main benefits: greater energy from morning till night, sane relationships, more productive at work, my whole digestion system is working much better, sexuality arises, mindfulness. Is it enough to keep on. :muscle:


This is great news, I’m glad you’re doing well and enjoying the challenge! :slightly_smiling_face:

You should join us in the 100 day challenge thread. It’s where we post up our updated cards :+1:

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This is fantastic and I can relate! I also felt a lot better and happier quickly when I got sober.

However, there is a reason benefit-based sobriety does not work long term. Life will happen. Shit will happen. Mental or physical illness may happen. Breakups, job loss, pet dying…
When the benefits are no longer shining brightly or you have a period of trouble in your life - will sobriety also go away?

Life on life’s terms, as they say in the rooms.

You have made a great start. Base your sobriety on working towards becoming self sufficient, content, that your needs are met. Sobriety alone will not make you happy and will not solve your problems or shortcomings. But it enables you to look after your self with full capacities, attention, sharpness of mind.

Good luck for your journey! :sparkles:

Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)


Thank you @Faugxh for your precious advise. For sure there will be strong moments and I must be prepared. I hope my renewed power inside is here to stay, but I won’t avoid difficulties, I will follow the course of things, and I won’t brake or find shortcuts.

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If I have 1 drink my life is in danger. Abstinence is the only way for me. 2 years and a few months for myself. I’m so much happier knowing that I can’t drink. Russian roulette is a game I’ve never had any interest in playing

You can’t ever get drunk if you don’t have the first drink.


Today I marked 4 months. I really have to thank you all the folks here who supported my path with their words and experienced suggestions. That was working on me. I’m 4 months at 100% rate now! :smiling_face::+1: