100 days clean

The big 100…it has been so fucking hard… But I am proud. Not only of me but all of you… We’re in this together :heart:


And proud you should be. More than proud, you should be self-confident. You set a goal, and you’ve achieved it. Now do it again today, and tomorrow, and the next…for eternity.

Set another positive goal that challenges you, go do it, and then pick another one.

One of my favorite warrior-philosophers is Mayimoto Musashi. He believed that self-discipline, or as he called it “The Way” was the key to mastering whatever you chose. For him, he first resolved to master the sword. Once he’d mastered the sword, he then set out to master calligraphy, then poetry, then farming. By mastering one thing, you learn self-discipline. With self-discipline, you can master all things.

You’ve mastered clean. 100 days demonstrates this mastery. Keep at it daily, and also master something else. This is how we grow.


Congratulations, that’s quite a milestone.

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Congratulations, that’s a big deal!

I remember that 100 to 120 days was an interesting time when some real changes were happening.


That’s quite the accomplishment! Congrats and keep up the great work!

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Thank you, that a such a powerful lesson and message :heart:

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Thank you :muscle::heart::heart:

It is indeed thank you :heart::muscle:

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Thank you so much :pray::muscle::heart:

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