106 days in and feeling good!

I know I still have a long way to go, but I have noticed such a positive change in my mental health! No more wild mood swings, anxiety is WAY down, thinking so much more clearly. My relationship is finally getting back to normal, even better actually. My mind is at ease and my confidence is growing. I’m not buried in guilt and shame and regret and feel more comfortable opening up about my recovery. Things are not perfect of course but oh my god they are so much fucking better than they were. I’m alive. I’m present. I’m healthy. The first three months were anything but easy, but so so worth it. Thank you to everyone in this community for making me feel welcomed and supported and loved. It makes all the difference!


Congratulations! :confetti_ball: For me the first 3 months where the hardest as well. Glad I’m passed that.
Welcome to the sober squad! :facepunch:


This :raised_hands::raised_hands: fantatsic work on your 106 days! You’re doing awesome :star2:


Wow!! Congrats!! I’m jealous. I have one week today so 106 days seems like forever away!!

Congratulations to you!! Keep it up! :heart_eyes:

One day at a time, it will mount up :heart: