11 days sober. Stomach still off

Anyone experience great days with their stomach and then literally shit days with their stomach more than a week after quitting. Mine is great one day and the next day bloated and stuck in the bathroom. I was thinking by day 11 this would have stopped. I also have not had much of an appetite since I stopped drinking. I am drinking lots of water though

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Yeah its been hit and miss. I’m an hour from 14 days and day 12 I caught a cold…I feel like my whole immune system is all out of whack.


Welcome to this community! We are glad to have you and hope to give you as much support as we can.
I’ve heard it could take up to 28 days for stomach aches to occur. Your body chemistry is out of balance and is aching because a void has been created by not filling it with alcohol. For some it could be three days, others could go on for weeks.
Water is a great start but the trick that I’ve found is vitamins! Lots of vitamins. Multi-vitamins and fruit smoothies with protein in them will help your organs cleanse and rebuild healthy cells.
At the beginning, three meals a day and as much rest as possible. Each body is different but this worked for me. I hope this helps you too!
Let us know, check in with us. :hugs:

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That gut bacteria is in a whole new reality.

Hydrate, consistency in what’s being eaten and intervals can help, as can some probiotics.

Alcohol affects so much of the body, especially the digestive tract, from the esophagus to the stomach lining, the liver and its bile production, and of course the intestines.

Takes some time to get right, give your body that time and stay close to the shitter pal.

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Hello there :blush:
As everyone elso already said, your stomach needs time to recover as well!
You are not fully recovered from addiction within 2 weeks and so isn’t you stomach. Bacteria and cells need time to renew and recover, they need a “friendly environment” for some time to develop their full potential.
As most things in life, healing takes time :blush:
I wish you all the best, stay strong :muscle:t3::blush:

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I took a lot of comfort from hearing that another guy in sobriety had the same experience as me. It took about 18 months (yes, months) for my bowel function to return to normal. I drank hard, often,and for a long time, so it is to be expected that my body needed a long time to heal. There is a great thread about it, of course! Sober poops


@GrnOtterPop as he said. I’m on day 14.8 hours. My stomach is adjusting. I go for too many number twos in the morning. My stomach sometimes feels empty and I get quite a bit of acid reflux. As far as I know 28 to 36 days but it can take longer depending what foods we eat and how long we have been drinking. For liver to go back to normal it can take from 90 days to two years.

I recommend lots of herbal teas like peppermint, ginger, dandilion. This will help your digestive system.

Thanks I will take a look