12 Days and STRONG

Hey all! Hope everyone is preparing for a safe and sober new year!

It’s been 12 days since my last drink and I’m feeling great.

I work at a bar - which makes alcohol available at all times… but I’ve resisted!

You can do it too!


Wow! That is amazing! Stick with it!!! It feels great hey​:+1::tada::+1:

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I’ve seriously always wanted to be a bartender…hmm I woulder why, ha.

Anyways, welcome and keep going strong! Everyone here is so great and so supportive.

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good job!!! i feel for you im a bartender too, keep it up!!


I’m also a bartender. Very corporate kind of place though, so no drinking on the job EVER. Congrats on 12 days, I’m only a few hours short of 3 days sober, but it’s a start.


Hi - I hadn’t thought about ‘Safe’ before, but yeah, Safe and Sober.
Wandering into traffic, drink driving, falling over, ending up in a fight, arrested, hospitalised, in court, STD’s, breaking up your family, hurting loved ones, breaking up other’s families, losing those you love, losing your health… and that’s just what immediately springs to mind.
Safe and Sober for '17 it is!


It absolutely is a start! Good for you. Keep it up!!