12 step alternatives

I found this article to be helpful. There are many paths on our journey. Do what works for you. If you see improvement in yourself I would say that’s a good start. In the beginning I was beat down with what I am doing wrong and was told that I would never get sober unless I did it a certain way. I don’t believe that now, but in the early days I did and it really confused me. The things I was told made me feel like I wasn’t able to get sober because I didn’t believe something that others did. ( if that makes sense) Here is a link with some great resources. Be true to yourself.


It’s very true that there are many paths to sobriety.
The most important thing is to have an open mind to try anything and everything untill we find the right path for us.


This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!


I am a proponent of finding what works for our unique selves.

I found a lot of support many years back with Soberistas (UK based) and Women for Sobriety. And finally, this community.


I have never done AA, 8 months later still sober. It all really depends on the person. Not going to lie some people do need that extra push but not all. I think if you can do it without AA do it

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My experience has been that if you are interested in sobriety over the past several years, any and all resources I have run across discuss recovery as part of our work toward healing. I can’t think of any program, resource or path that doesn’t include the emotional work necessary to help us move forward in our sober lives.

Recovery / sobriety / healthy lifestyle changes / caring for our mental and emotional health, etc are certainly all in the mainstream these days. A wonderful thing! And certainly also positive is that there are so many options/ resources available to us in our healing.


This is so true Geoff me old mucker, I’ve been locked in my own I know best head for years and look where that got me. Your mind is like a parachute, if you don’t open it it won’t save you.
Heard that the other day and couldn’t wait to use it :grin::sweat_smile:


I always enjoy these articles, but I’m starting to wonder why TS is never mentioned??

@Robin any insight? This community has more members than some of the ones listed in that article.


it’s like fight club, rule number 1 we don’t talk about TS etc etc :grin:


I am not sure we have more members than any of the online communities mentioned.

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I was going to say I go for quality not quantity but coming from an alcoholic that’s bollocks :joy:


The Phoenix has 26,000. I thought we had more than that? Plus I’m damn sure we are better lol


Lol, I am not familiar with The Phoenix. I do know all the other ones and some of them have A LOT of members.

We have around 27,600 members (as you see below). However, active users are much less than that (also below).

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There are many pathways to emotional sobriety. Many…



Stealin it :metal::laughing::metal:

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You are too much. But it should say members… :blush:


I love this!! I’m stealing it.


I’m guessing because we do no paid promotion. I don’t know how these articles source their communities.


We also don’t have a specific program. A lot of us make this a part of our programs, but there isn’t really an official goal or way here. At least, that would be my take on it.

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