Can someone share with me what the 12 steps are and how to work through them, please?
I’m on my first day of sobriety and wish to not drink at all till I’m back with my bf who is living about 850 miles away from me. It’s been eating me. It’s only been just over a week since he had to move away and I’m failing myself and him. He deserves so much more than I’ve been able to muster. He’s really a good man and I feel like a professional bad person. I need to stay sober till I can be near him again… I’m hoping this app and this community will be able to help.
Please, help me out with what the 12 steps are and how to go about them…
Hey! I’m not an AA person so I don’t know them exactly, but if there aren’t any meetings by you I would pick up Russell Brand’s book “Recovery” he goes through all of them. In fact…I think he has a website where you can learn about and work on the steps even before you get the book. I’m wondering if I’m the meantime it would be helpful to write a list of the reasons YOU want to get sober for yourself. It can be helpful in the early days. Best of luck to you
Thank you so much Ely! That’s really helpful. And yes, making a list would be very helpful at this time. I swear, temptation is everywhere. Even in my music I’m only working on day 2 and considering coming out with some long time not seen old friends… but it would be dangerous. But I like dangerous… so it’s tough for me to say no while I’m still young. Additionally, I’m about to move far away in a few months so I sort of want to b4 I can’t just cuz they are old friends and I wanted to say hi and bye b4 I left… Honestly, they could not even be alive by the time, if I ever do, come back… It’s like I’m weighing in on whether I’d be able to come out and keep my shit together at the same time. I mean, I think I could as long as I don’t drink… Drinking is my only evil. And it’s only evil when I’m going through a hard time. Which I am; that’s what brought me here. Everything can be so conflicting…
Ahh ok…I’m looking at our profile pic…you’re a GD festie chick if I see correctly right? Ive been going to festivals and to see phish/panic/ the dead and offshoots etc etc for the last 17 years, I think I understand your dangerous/ old friends/moving on situation. In all honesty, it’s waaaay early in your sobriety to be around booze, I definitely steered clear of any situation involving booze for the first month or two…but obviously it’s totally your call. Life on tour and in the scene is fun at first, but it will swallow anyone it can. I’m glad you’re young. You have a chance to get out somewhat unscathed if you’re ready. Feel free to PM if you want or if you don’t have the clearance to do that yet get back at me here with any questions. Stay strong out there today.
Much Love,