1200 Days Sober Tomorrow

I googled 1200 days sober to come up with inspiration for my post for tomorrow. I found this site and I think that I’m going to be pretty grateful for it.

I was reading a lifelong drinker. It’s 1200 days and every single thing in that story resonated with me.

I started drinking when I was 15 years old (42 years ago) it was all I knew. Everyone in our community drank, and that’s all I wanted to do, I mean that’s how I could be around my family and friends.

Alcohol quickly escalated to poor choices, including smoking cigarettes and drugs, quitting school. I put myself in places that I should never have been and as a result have memories that I will never forget. I put myself first and everyone else second, I was selfish.

I thought I was having fun, but the fun soon turned to sadness, and I too had suicidal thoughts, depression, and often in my hangover state thought about how pathetic I was. I wasn’t there for anyone, including myself.

Tomorrow I will have 1200 days sober. Has it been easy it sure has not. Life has had many challenges, including my daughter not talking to me, the loss of my job (Feb 20/24) etc. I have had a couple of instances where I thought of drinking in my self loathing but I’m quick to remind myself that drinking won’t help. It never has. It’s only ever made everything worse. This is what keeps me sober. I also remind myself how great I feel what wonderful sleeps I have, how nice it is to enjoy the great outdoors in the day. Enjoy a sunset and sunrise, take pleasure in the people that I’m with enjoy the conversations and actually listen and hear them.

Above all else respect myself and others! It’s been a real journey getting to learn about what makes me tick and dealing with the past - the things that used to make me run to the bottle, now I look at face on and deal with.

I’ll try and discover the site and enjoy the journey.


Welcome, Moira! 1200 days is an inspiring number! Thanks for sharing here and I hope you enjoy being part of this community!:dizzy:


Congratulations on your 1,200 days!! And welcome, so glad you found us!! Sobriety can be the journey of a lifetime…it doesn’t wipe away the past or make life’s challenges go away…but it does allow us the space and clarity to heal and move forward with self love and self respect…and maybe make our little corner of the world a kinder and more loving space for all. :heart::people_hugging:


Congratulations. My husband is were you used to be with loses in life due to alcohol. Hopefully he takes the help that myself and doctors want to give him and can say the same sober great things that you are saying congratulations again and praying for future greatness for you and your family :sparkling_heart:


Welcome and congrats on your 1200 days! :partying_face:

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Welcome to Talking Sober and huge congrats on 1200 days of sobriety. It’s great to have you aboard!

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Incredible effort making it to 1200 days @Healthysoberme. Glad you found us.

Congratulations on staying the path despite challenges to your sobriety. Reminding yourself that nothing good can come from drinking seems to be a powerful tool to use. Additionally, focussing on the positives cements your conviction to stay sober and to face challenges with clarity.

I aim to reach the same milestone on the way to a sober life. Welcome aboard!

Welcome and congrats on your 1200 days Moira! Even during hardship you made the conscious decision to stay sober, that’s very inspiring. Thanks for sharing :pray:

Welcome! 1200 days is strong! Yes, you are quite right, drinking never makes bad times better.

Sorry you are dealing with a challenging season with regards to your job. Seasons do end in their time, to be replaced by a new, hopefully better season.

Oh, I am so glad I saw your post this morning, Moira. Such a nice share ,thank you! Congratulations on 1200 days sorbriety :tada:

Congrats !! Sobriety is progressive !! I just had 14, 611 days clean & sober - that’s 40 yrs.

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