13 days f@%k yes!

Only down side is alcohol used to keep me regular if you know what I mean :poop: have to have a scan tomorrow as my bowels have a blockage. Tmi I know!!I thought everything would be amazing , I thought the weight would drop off but I’m walking round like I’m 5 months pregnant ffs :joy:


Congrats on 13 days! Definitely not a TMI topic here. lol


Were have ya been? lol

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Oh my gosh. That sounds painful. Let us know how your appointment goes.

Oh my. I was the opposite. Alcohol dehydrated me so much I did not poop much. It didn’t happen right away (maybe 2-3 weeks) but woohoo I am regular now!! I would say I get to go everyday, maybe 2 days.

I know a lot of people will say up your fibre but don’t go overboard. That can just make a good solid mass that doesn’t move well either. Get some good fats in your system too. Lubrication is your friend. And if you are REALLY needing to get it out…mineral oil or PEG will help. My daughters were both horribly constipated as babies and toddlers. We used this amazing stuff called Lansoyl. It is a raspberry flavoured jelly. I would mix it with yogurt and they gobbled it all up. Restoralax and Miralax can be added to water with no flavour or colouring too. Neither are habit forming like stimulant laxatives (and as a former laxative bulimic…do NOT get a laxative habit!!)

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I had an xray on my stomach now just waiting on results… I’ve been drinking a bunch of herbal teas now and some of them have been wonderful. I’m not in as much pain and not as bloated

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Try a spoon of horseradish in the morning. Clears everything out. It’s good for your liver too.