15 days :)!

Half a month under my belt and feeling good about that. I’m still struggling with feelings of guilt, shame and a general case of anxiety, but I am trying to push through it. Therapy helps. Talking here helps. I hope to regain trust in my marriage. It feels terrible betraying someone’s trust and I don’t want to do that ever again. We are still going through the motions and I’m just trying to give space and allow him to have his feelings. All I can do is put forth the effort everyday to not drink and be the best me. I am in control of myself and I intend on keeping it that way.


Sounds like you’re on the right track. Congrats on 15 days!!
Things take time and were used to getting immediate results when we dulled those emotions with our DOC. So, be patient and the results will come.


" All I can do is put forth the effort everyday to not drink and be the best me. I am in control of myself and I intend on keeping it that way" - great, great words!

The essential message that many of us come here to hear as often as possible.

Many thanks for that, Bryn!


Nice one Bryn.
I saw you post in another thread and wondered about you. 15 days is good going. Just relax and do you. Everything else will be what it will be.:grinning:


Congratulations on being 15 days sober! I feel like the first 30 days are always the hardest, or at least that’s what I’m told. I only have a few stents where I was over 30 days that’s for sure. I only speak for myself here but I’m proud of you! Keep on!

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Awesome Bryn!!!

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Great job!

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