15 months and counting!?!

15 months!!
That is crazy.
I remember looking at all my sober drinking apps counting down the hours, then days, thinking “a year? Nah i have no clue if my liver or heart will be healthier in a year. A years a million miles away.”

And now 15 months have ticked over.

What have i realised being over the 1 year mark? - that i am still as crazy unbalanced and hormonal as j was drinking​:joy::face_with_peeking_eye: Anxiety doesnt just exist due to drinking and drug comedowns, and i might have ADHD which makes sence but also freaks me out.
I am tired all the time still, never finish a movie or series cuz i will fall asleep(that wasnt just a drunk thing) and i still love my food as ive always done, my appetite just had to come back.

All in all i have learnt these last 15 months that the old me is still in there somewhere and i do actually like that girl. And there is a lot about myself i dont know yet and am learning.

I hope everyone is keeping positive and here is to many many more hours,days,weeks,months and years sober :grin::clap::confetti_ball::muscle::muscle:
Have a great weekend when it comes around!



Nice work!
Crazy how slow time goes at first, then all of a sudden you’re looking back on over a year and have achieved what once felt impossible.
Crack on!


Welcome to the club! (And congrats on your 15 months! That is an awesome achievement :raised_hands: :innocent:)


@Ania thanks for sharing your journey. I wish I can share one day 15 months of sobriety


Great job!!


I’m loving this for you, @Ania ! Big congratulations to you!!:peace_symbol::heart:


Congrats on 15 month!! It is amazing to look back at the first days and weeks which seemed to drag on forever! And then, before you know it one year has gone by.
I hope you celebrate your 15 month in style, treat yourself to something nice.
Well done! ODAAT!


Wow nice work!!

Have you had vitamin levels checked? I had to add iron, b-complex, and D vitamins after I quit and had blood checked. Might help with fatigue?

Also on the ADHD/falling asleep, I have to do puzzles while watching shows or I get bored and sleepy too. My brain needs to stay engaged. Just ideas! You’re doing great!!


Love your post and insights!

This was all big AHA!!! stuff for me too! :upside_down_face:

Congratulations on your 15 months!! Those days add up!! Have a super day!

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Congratulations on 15 months!! :raised_hands::raised_hands:



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Celebrate freedom from alcohol & drugs !! WTG !!


Ive been taking D, all the Bs and C since i quit drinking. So am surprised the last 3 months my life feels like its disintegrating a little bit.
But yes im in the pricess of waiting for blood test resutls, if they come back all clear it might be my ADHD hyper and crash levels - it might not even be fatigue so im hoping it isnt a physical issue. Doctors are checking me for anemia, my thyroid, liver check again they do that regularly now and hormonal changed (heaven forbid for early menopause at 35 lol!?)
Its just frustrating and so draining now. Feeling pretty usless.

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