150 days = 5 months!

A great day to be sober


YES YES YES!!!and did I say yes.

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@SassyRocks I’m thankful you’re here and thanks for sharing, very inspiring! Congrats on 5 months! :smile: :clap:

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Love it @Sassyrocks you’re an inspiration. Keep progressing

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Today is a beautiful day to be sober! Hearing your progress makes me feel more hopefully for the future. Sounds like you are doing really well, keep up the good work!

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Just finished some awesome chocolate cake!!


You rock Sassyrocks! Congrats!

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ohhhh HEEEEELLLL YEEEESSS! way to go!!! keep at it :smile:

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@SassyRocks. Congratulations Great job. Around 5 months is when I actually got pretty comfortable in life. Found that peace. I hope you have a grasp on it too. Great job

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Thanks everyone! I am pretty excited. It has been a long tiring road to get to this positive place. Blessed to be here. Have a super day!

Was one of the most encouraging and inspiring posts I’ve ever read because I see so much of my future words and feelings as spoken through you!!! Thank you and congrats on your milestone… no, crag!

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@SassyRocks. Kudos. You should be proud of this milestone on your way to lfelong sobriety. Pass the chocolate cake. Please.

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Congratulations! You are a great help to us on here. I am so glad to see you enjoying your success.

:sparkles: :tada: :sparkles:

Thank you @Naturehippy! That makes me very happy and proud. I find inspiration on here as well. :sparkling_heart:

@DrunkNoMore, I still have 1 piece of cake left…I have actually been sharing it with my husband. My sweet tooth is revved up again. Better than booze! :lollipop:

Well done on your 150 days. That is fantastic!!

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Yayyyy!!! So happy for you!!

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Well done. You SHOULD be proud of yourself.


As for the sugar. For now, so what. You deserve a big bar of your favourite chocolate!

What will it be?

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Congrats!! You are one of my go-to people on this site. I read your posts and get great comfort from them. You are an inspiration for so many of us! 150 days is amazing! I’m so glad you are my sober friend. Stay strong!

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Wow, I am honored @Roga. I feel the same way about your posts.

And yes all, I did just devour another piece of cake. :wink:

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