151 days living Clean and Sober

I am here today by the grace of God I have 151 days clean and sober I had to take others advice for my direction in life because mine had ruined everything I touched my drug of choice was always more as I couldn’t ever get enough I was turned around and put on a new path that was a remarkable experience I found life in recovery was amazing and simple I just had to change everything about myself and that was the most difficult part about it because I had trust issues out the wazoo but I had begged for help because I was a broken vessel and I got it by taking everything in with a open mind and just doing the next right thing and keeping a positive attitude and mindset and everything just fell into place and it was scary but I don’t scare easy but was terrified that I would mess it up like I always did but that’s not the outcome instead I succeeded and kept pushing and taking it one day at a time and that’s how I got here and I thank the Lord God Almighty for being a God of chances thank you all who support us recovering addicts may God Bless your foot steps in your day to day lives


Congratulations on your 151 days!!!

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Well done. You look very happy. Much deserved.

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Congratulations!! :partying_face::partying_face:

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Thank you so very much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you and yes I am happy again and have earned my smile back :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you :blush:

Thank you very much I truly appreciate it

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Thank you great

Thank you I appreciate that

Bless and congrats.
Change everything!!
You know it, change everything and everything will change.
Follow the God of chances and your chances become unlimited.
I feel your positive outlook and sense a strong recovery program.
Right on!!!

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Thank you for the positive feedback it’s a blessing :innocent: