18 Months of Freedom

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing these beautiful words. So much of this resonated with me.
Some of the biggest lessons I have learned in recovery are: Do what scares you the most and keep on moving, even if it is one baby step at a time. And show up, even on the tough days. Those can be some of the most important.
And the title…well you couldn’t have picked a better word…Freedom. Freedom is nice…so. damn. Nice.


Yay!! Congratulations, I’m right there with you! My whole outlook, attitude, and perspective have changed. I actually love myself again and feel proud of who I am. I am free of the chains that I thought would keep me locked up forever. AA, God, and the support and fellowship of others have worked miracles for me.
So very happy for you! :blush::blue_heart:


So happy for you David and this incredible person you have worked so hard for! Your messages are very inspiring and I’m glad to have gotten to know you on this app! Perhaps one day we can meet up at each of our home groups and experience each others meetings. Nothing but the best to you and your family! Well done good sir!

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We makin it, one day at a time. Blessed to have the fellowship.


Hell yeah man. Youre way on the Eastside but it’d be worth the drive for sure!


And your a westsider I believe. But perhaps one day next weekend I could visit you and your home group at whatever meeting you attend. Just message me the day, time and address thats best for you and I will head west young man! Congrats on 18 months bro!

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Love that one! Congratulations with your sober days :confetti_ball:

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Congratulations this is a fantastic achievement! Very inspirational post, ypu should be so proud of yourself and how far you have come :sunglasses::star_struck::smiley:

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Thanks for all the replies folks. Y’all are a part of my sobriety, when they say it takes a village to raise a child I think they were pretty much referring to me :joy::rofl:

We win together and lose together. Teamwork, support, advice and compassion build lasting sobriety


18 months is a great feeling!!
Congratulations :blush:

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Congrats bro, very inspiring… do you smoke?

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I vape, low mg nicotine now. Working my way down. I quit smoking weed 1 week before I was able to put down the booze


Aw man! Was in the woods for this one.

Thank you for your stalwart experience, strength and hope, my friend. And good form on a perfectly beardy chip and a half. :ice_cream: :sunglasses:

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