180 half a year!@!

Thanks for all the support here. Farthest I’ve gone in more than a decade. So motivated to keep on keeping on


That’s awesome!! :smile::+1:

Fantastic job @bolonga !!
Congratulations on reaching 180!!! :tada: :tada:

Yeeees @bolonga :grin::wink::fireworks:


Congrats on 6 months! Cheers!!! :smile: :fireworks:

Take a bow. 6 months is amazing work!

@bolonga. Wow look at that 1/2 of a year. Congratulations. Good job. Keep on kicking addictions in the lil bits

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So awesome! Congratulations!

Congratulations!! That is awesome @bolonga!!

Keep it up is an amazing feeling when the number starts with 2!

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