19 hours i feel ick

Ughhh my brain is melting i have anxiety,and swets


Fluids, camomille, vitamins and minerals, rest. Soothing music or TV.

Make this the last time you feel like this.

Resources for our recovery


That sounds so good…just getting water to stay down is so hard :cry: …twitching pacing mind racing…


What are you detoxing from friend?

Booze im 30 years old been drinking wild turkey 101 since i was 12


You might want to consider urgent care or a detox facility. Alcohol withdrawal is much easier with medical help, and can be dangerous without it.


I’m w you on the liquor. I drank vodka or whisky so I know how you’re feeling physically.

this will ease. more importantly you gotta prep yourself for the work that is ahead of you. why do you wanna get sober? what are the things in your current life you most wanna improve or work on or wish for?

how much of your time, effort and energy are you willing to dedicate to recovery work?

think on these. let it sink in. this can be a great start for you or just another curl in the downward spiral to nowhere land. where we all spent a lot of time, everyone who’s on here. it’s up to you.

best wishes to you


I had the same reaction when I had to get through the first few days. Just try to rest and drink water if you can. And I agree, perhaps urgent care might be a good idea. Withdrawals from alcohol can be a little dangerous. Stay strong and know that it will get better!

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Infound someone really kind to loan me there floor until i stop swetting and convulsing

It can definitely be very dangerous to detox from alcohol, get in touch with a professional if you need to. I know how your feeling ive been there, you can get thru it but please be careful

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Thanks so much for asking…1day 2hours 15 minuts…i got some detox tea and i can finally breathe in between vomiting im gonna try to avoid the hospital or any humans …this is embarrassing…
…ive got all these fears and shames and just thoughts wont stop at all its giving me panic attacks…
Usually ide just take a shot and they stop…